Verdict Reached in Zimmerman trial

Looks like the DOJ is going to investigate for a possible civil rights violation. Mr. Zimmerman may end up in federal prison. Talking head liberals are saying he is racist and will begin to look for evidence to support it. The FBI has already investigated him and found no proof he is racist. He has got to go to jail to make some happy. After all we know who is in charge of the DOJand who his boss is.
An editorial writer the other day stated that if a black man had shot Trayvon Martin rather than a hispanic like George Zimmerman, this case would have never made it out of the police beat pages of the Orlando newspaper. I agree with this.

Here in Chicago, we saw six people shot and killed in one night on the south side back in June. 200 people have been murdered year to date, almost all of them young black kids. Not a peep went out about all that carnage. No Al Sharpton . . . .not Beyonce blabbing about things she doesn't understand . . . no President Obama.

I can only assume people like Roger35 are motivated to rant about the Zimmerman case due to some sort of racial animus or, as Rahm Emmanuel underscored,wanting to take advantage of a controversy.

This courts are tasked with determining if a crime occured,. They said one did not. Case closed. Ignorant web surfers twisting the truth (Roger35) and all the clowns threatening violence via twitter just need to move on.
The irony is that Trayvon was a racist. Oh, I forgot "creppy *** cracker" is a term of endearment.

I will say that it is sad that a 17 year old lost his life. But it was a racist punk kid that attacked someone without due provocation. In fact, I would argue it was his entitled racist attitude that was most responsible for his death.
Every single person that I talked to (in person) who thought Zimmerman was guilty changed their mind after hearing the facts of the case. I simply ask them how the state proved that Zimmerman was not using self-defense. If you cant give me a quick, simple answer after this entire trial, there is no way that any jury is going to convict.
LS -- maybe I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that Zimmerman had just decided to return to his vehicle. I think the fight took place on a sidewalk well away from the street. Also, the dispatchers instructions to return to the vehicle were a follow up on ignored suggestions not to follow Trayvon.

I certainly agree that Zimmerman has no criminal culpability here. The original intent to keep the neighborhood safe was noble and the use of force to protect his person justifiable.

I agree with those who feel sympathy for all parties involved.
People also fail to point out that Trayvon was on suspension from school for drugs and had drugs in his system.

If I was suspended from school, I would have been in big trouble with my parents. I would not have been playing video games and walking to the store to get candy.

Maybe this homeowner in Galveston should be investigated by the DOJ as well. He did shoot at the "kids."

The Link
I would be very surprised if the DOJ took this to federal court, because they've had a year to look at it and if they didn't know they couldn't win before, they know it now.

This is just inflammatory rhetoric from groups like the NAACP and and people like Al Sharpton fueling the fire of this tragedy to serve their own agenda. It quite disgusting really.
i've seen transcripts and remain confused. The timeline I saw had Zimmerman making the 911 call from his vehicle and the fight taking place well away from the vehicle.

If he were on the sidewalk walking near the clubhouse while making the call, then I guess it falls together like Bronco and Larry say.

I had always pictured him in his truck hearing "You don't need to do that?" and saying "OK" Then I had thought he had ignored the dispatchers advice and followed Trayvon. From all the crime scene diagrams i've seen, but perhaps remember imperfectly, the fight took place on an interior sidewalk well away from the streets. If Zimmerman was on the sidewalk and deciding to head back to the truck after hearing "You don't need to do that." then I've been wrong in criticizing Zimmerman for ignoring the dispatcher and following Trayvon.

The timeline on Wikipendia has only 2 minutes between the end of the phone call and the 911 call about the fight. .
The people upset over the verdict are upset only because TM was killed by a non-black.
Yes and they all paint Trayvon as an angel. The evidence showed he was currently suspended from school, was suspected of theft and had drugs in his system. Recent Facebook posts bragging about fights and wanting a pistol add to the innocence that was this young man's character. Let's also not forget his description of Zimmerman as a "creepy *** cracker."

If Obama had a son, maybe he would look like Trayvon, but hopefully not act like Trayvon.
TM wasn't going to last long even if he hadn't been shot by Zimmerman. This kid was all about trouble.
The best social program is a job as the saying goes. I'll take it a step farther and say a meaningful job. Meaningful jobs aren't something that people from black neighborhoods just fall into. You get one of those jobs with education, specialized training, or by knowing somebody. Cross the last one off the list now - most black kids don't grow up knowing anybody with a job they would want some day other than maybe people in their schools.

Education in black areas is an absolute mess in most cases. It's very difficult to find an example of a school that is more than 50% black and a "good school". Enough of the kids come from an uneducated single mother that treats school like day care to screw things up. Its a terrible generalization but its true enough that I feel like I have to post it.

Specialized training isn't widely available but is on the way. It will be a positive influence for the kids that realize that they need to do something with their lives. I'm hopeful that it will be what starts reversing the trend. People that participate in the best social program around tend to make better life decisions because they actually have something to lose. So many black kids are willing to go into the lifestyle that will get them killed like in Chicago because they have nothing to lose. It will take a generation of black men raising their kids to truly change things though.
You are right, Larry. But it isn't just minority kids. My nephew has been in prison a good part of his adult life - he's in his 30's now and in prison. He has rarely held a job that wasn't court-ordered. He is Anglo, both parents graduated from college, but still found drugs and a life of crime more interesting than paying the dues (education, etc.) to become a productive citizen. I don't know the answer to turn these kids around, but the schools can't do it alone. Until parents, the community and the MSM stop making excuses there is little reason to think these kids can ever be productive citizens.
It all starts in the home and how kids are raised. What values are instilled and amount of family support.
Can there be a bad seed? Of course, but for the most part a kid's future is determined at home at an early age.
This includes value of education, theft is wrong, assault is wrong, bad language is wrong, personal responsibility...etc.
Chicago is a result of bad home life, bad culture and bad social values. Who would start a business there. Chicago won't be fixed with jobs, it will take a value awakening.
I agree and these "civil rights activists" are doing nobody any favors by avoiding the parenting discussion.

They are too busy driving up new business by creating a greater racial divide and spouting idiocy. I have heard several claim Trayvon did not get a jury of his peers! They might want to read the 6th amendment to the constitution before running their mouths on TV.
These prosecutors were ****. I'd be embarrassed to have been associated with them. It's pretty pathetic when you cheat and still lose.

If ONLY Zimmerman had known as he was getting his nose broken and his head bashed into concrete that it was 'just a case of ' whup ***" he could hve relaxed and enjoyed it.

According to Rachel Jeantel as interviewed by Piers Morgan last night,"everybody in the ‘hood understands what a whup-*** is. It’s not getting bashed, not getting beaten so badly you might die, it’s just getting your *** “whupped.”
Before reading the Juxtoposition 101 below, also consider these statistics.Mideast figures are from, Chicago figures from The Link "Tracking homicides in Chicago" for 2013 (month by month) and Wiki for past years back to 2003.Deaths are as follows, to-date, starting 2003 as the base year.Chicago: 4,989 homicides
(213 thus far in 2013; 4,773 for 2003 thru 2012)

: Total US military deaths: 4,486

In and Around Afghanistan
: Total US military deaths: 2,154

Chicago homicides outnumber military deaths in either Iraq or Afghanistan and surrounding areas since 2003.

To date, Chicago homicides are 75% of the total of all Mideast War Military Deaths since 2003.

4,989 to 6,640

Note: As of March of this year, average wait time for benefits for a Veteran, is 125 days.
Total wounded in Operation Enduring Freedom (Iraq) thru Sept 2012: 17,674 (

My point: Gov't is not raising hell about casualties in Mideast Wars, and key officials are poignantly outspoken this week with charged sentiments over the death of Trayvon Martin, while tragedies of the dying and wounded lay elsewhere long before Sanford, Florida.

Politics is completely missing the point. All sides of the aisle. But they are in position to take leadership for the country on priorities. However, politics is very self-serving.

== = = = = = ==

Juxtoposition 101

In reply to:

I just saw a talking head describing the situation black parents face -- their children can be out minding their own business and end up a fatality.

Did they watch the trial. Was Tryvon completey minding his own business while he broke Zimmerman's nose and was pounding his head against the concrete?

So if I as a white guy, look suspiciously at a black person, therefore violating the taboo on racial profiling, would he be within his rights to bash my brain in? Should white guilt prevent me from drawing my weapon to protect my cranium. Should I with a broken nose and severe pain in the back of my head from bruising and abrasions be able to calmly ascertain that I'm just getting whupped and not getting killed?
The racism narrative is great for ratings because of the emotionality of it. I think most people get that. But, what the racism angle also does is give the casual/low information viewer a side to be on. The law surrounding the case is complicated. Following the case is time consuming. Racism as presented by the media is simple. Thats why we see so many people upset by the verdict that have no clue what went on at trial. We also have a people that are happy with the verdict but for all the wrong reasons. News coverage is all about the lowest common denominator and race is any easy place to start.

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