Vanderbilt vs. Texas-College World Series

The side winder Miller still pitches for Vandy in the Texas half of the fifth.

Barrera leads off looking for some contact as he has two swinging K's so far today
Make it a hat trick as he goes down swinging again.

Hinojosa bats with one down.
A full count comes before a grounder to second is two gone.

Shaw bats with two down lefty.
A high fly to right is out three as the Horns go in order.

Five innings completed and Texas leads 4-0.
Thornhill battles on in the sixth for Texas.

Reynolds leads off batting lefty.
A fly all to left is one gone.

Conde bats from the right side with one away.
A ground ball to short is two down.

Wiel bats righty with two down.
Another sky high pop is caught by Hiniojosa to retire the side in order again.

Bottom of the sixth comes and Texas still on top 4-0.
Nice! Two quick innings by Thornhill, I'm thinking he will come out for the seventh. Maybe we could skip the eight inning and just go directly to the ninth.
If Thornhill can get through 7 then Curtis and Duke should both be available and using each for an inning doesnt burn them for tomorrow. Man things sure are getting interesting here from the losers bracket.
Miller pitches on for Vandy, be nice to get in their pen some more.

Carter leads off and he slaps a single through the right side of the infield.

Clemens up to bunt and does and Carter goes to second with one away.

Gurwitz up with one down and one on.
He lines a single so hard to left that Carter has to hold at third.

Runners on the corners for Marlow with one down.
Maybe another safety squeeze could come.
Contact again needed.
A full count is reached and I think Gurwitz is on the move.
He walks to load the bases again for the Horns.

Really need to break it open now.

Johnson needs to not K here.
Got to put the ball in play.
A full count is worked and he K's swinging.
This has killed the offense time after tiime.

Payton up with the bases loaded and two down.
He lines one to the hole on the right side that the first baseman lays out for and makes the catch to save two runs.

Again Texas could have put this game away and doesn't and it makes you uneasy.

Six gone now and the Horns still on the good side of 4-0.
Real chance to blow this game open there goes by the books. Hope that doesnt come back to bite the Horns in the rear.
Excellent play by the Vandy first baseman, I haveto tip my hat to him. Payton hit a good shot, looked like an RBI base hit.
Now leadoff basehit by Vandy. Is Thornhill tiring?
Thornhill still out there as the seventh starts.

Norwood leads off for the Dores batting righty.
A full count again before and he grounds a single through the box for a lead runner.

Wiseman bats lefty with one on.
He bunts down the third base line and Gurwitz fields and throws low and its dug by Clemens and that's why he plays first. One down.

Delay bats righty with one on and one down.
He makes no contact on an outside fast ball for two down.

Rodgers bats from the left side with two down and a man on second.

A ground ball to short and a high throw is flagged by Clemens as he is able to keep a toe on the bag to retire the side. Now you know why he plays first base and he has done this all year.

Stretch time in Omaha and Texas still leads 4-0.
Thornhill survives the seventh, with the "dreaded eighth" looming. He is well over 100 pitches at this point, about 115 (?). Will he appear in the eighth?
We may also be trying to preserve Morgan Cooper for long relief tomorrow, or even a start after tomorrow should we survive one more day.
Thornhill is his usual nails but the 8th is looming. I know in elimination games you play to win today and dont think about tomorrow or next week but if Nathan is at all going to be available should Texas make the championship series, you have to think you shut him down now and go to pen for last two innings. Boy would it have been nice to blow this one wide open last inning and not be at all worried about running out your top relievers these next two innings.
Miller still goes for Vandy as he has somehow shutdown Texas since coming in.

Barrera leads off for the Horns.
A full count and then he lines to right for one down and avoids the dreaded "Golden Sombrero."

Hinojosa bats with one gone.
A ground ball to third is two outs.

Shaw bats lefty with two away.
He slices a fly ball to left that the left fielder makes a sliding catching just in fair ground to retire the side.

Seven innings completed and you know what that means.
Texas leads 4-0 as the eighth comes and who pitches it?
Can't believe this Vanderbilt short relief specialist is still in the game, throwing over 100 pitches now. This is his longest outing of the year by far.
Man, we are taking a chance here. One pitch, one base hit, now 121 pitches, Skip visits the mound, one out. Still leaving Thornhill on the mound? Inconceivable!
The eighth begins and it's still Thornhill pitching.

Campbell leads off and singles to right for a lead runner and here we go.

Swanson is the top of the order with one on.
A fly ball to center gets a tough hitter and one away.

Reynolds bats lefty with one down and one on.
Here comes Skip after a 1-0 count.
He leaves him in.
He K's swinging on the big change up for two away.

Then Barrera decides tot throw to first and airmails it to right field for an error.

Conde bats with two down righty and a man on second.
Got to have some drama in the eighth, it's a law I think.
A hard liner to right retires the side.

Either way what a job done by Thornhill and we say that about Texas starters often, don't we?

Bottom of the eighth and Texas ahead 4-0.
Thornhill survives the "dreaded eighth," now having thrown about 130 pitches.
We are playing the Omaha game, trying to savethe rest of the staff for the succeeding games, but what about Thornhill? Can he come back after this one, if needed in a few days? Maybe we aren't counting on him for the rest of the series.
What a pitching performance.


Even if we run out someone new in the ninth this performance has saved entire staff for tomorrow sans probably Hollingsworth who threw 117 pitches just two days ago and of course Nathan .
Meanwhile Miller keeps pitching for Vandy in his attempt to catch Thornhill in the pitch count and he got a late start.

Carter leads off and K's swinging for one away.

Clemens fouls out to the left fielder by the fence for two gone.

Gurwitz flies out to center to retire the side in order.

Top of the ninth and Texas leads 4-0.
Three outs away from a very big game tomorrow, in which the pressure switches to Vanderbilt big time.
Come on Horns! We need three outs. Will it be Duke again?
Can't believe he was used so sparingly during the season.
No, it's John Curtis, fresh off his food poisoning day off.
Hope he is OK.
Curtis looks good, one quick out, then two nasty strikes on next batter, 1-2. Backdoor breaking ball freezes batter, nothing he could do.
One more out!!!!
Curtis looked great! Easy 1-2-3 inning, with Payton flagging down the last out in center.
Pressure on Vandy now, not on Texas!!!
Should I pack the car now, or wait until tomorrow? Omaha is calling.
Once again the Horns say NOT TODAY!

This improbable post-season run continues and the season lives on.

I guess we go with Parker French tomorrow on four days rest. He "only" threw 95 pitches Monday so his arm should be OK all things considered. The whole staff is available tomorrow except for Nathan and Chad so it is all hands on deck beyond those two.

John Curtis out to close.

Wiel leads off and a grounder to short is one down.

Norwood bats with one down.
A huge curve gets him looking for two away.

Wiseman is the last hope for Vandy and he flies to Payton to end the game.

Texas wins 4-0.

Texas staves off elimination one more time and lives to play Vandy again.

This team has tremendous pitching and fielding and that's why they are still playing.

Let's ponder and come back a little later.

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