Valerie Plame's Husband - Obama Weak on FP

help me out with a timeline on wilson
so wilson wrote in support of Bush after the SOTU in 03

Would this have been written AFTER his trip to Niger?

and then Wilson jumps on kerry's bandwagon writing a column that blasts Bush>
do I have it right?

With that in mind his current article blasting obama follows his past patterns. Might even be called history repeating
good point
since wilson took the trip to Niger in 2002 which means he already knew or allegedly knew what was going on when he wrote the feb 03 article agreeing with bush.
It is suspicious that he waited until he was advising kerry to " leak " to kristol in may adn then to actually write the article in july
It justs looks too convenient
which also makes his latest article seem convenient
one might even say politically motivated altho he does damn obama with faint praise
Damn Valerie Plame is HOT!!

You know she was ******* bureaucrats under deep cover during her CIA tenure. I bet she turns into a freak in bed to get those dudes to give up their national secrets. I bet she's VERY ******* good at it too.

Does Joe Wilson actually think about how many dudes she's ****** or how they gave it to her? LMAO
could you see plame in her younger days as a young spy seducing a russian spy...and then getting it on with some chick russian like to...

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