Etier lead off like Tucker and the line up put back in place and we put up 5 runs. Why the he%% didn't Augie do that yesterday instead of screwing with the lineup just because Tucker and Rupp were out? Makes more sense to keep things as normal as possible. Augie does some seriously strange carp sometimes. Could have been unbeaten....
Goodfellow, I agree that the lineup we used today (and every game besides yesterday) is golden and thats what it needs to stay. However, I will always error on the side of Augie. He's won five national championships more than me.
Augie will have a few headscratchers during the season that will cost us a game or two along the way. He's all about Omaha though so he needs to put people in certain situations to see what they can do. Back in his CSF days he eliminated Longhhorn teams with much better records.