UT fans saying 'aggy' = AM fan saying 'tu'

you are worse off than i realized.

there is a difference between a fan base using the "derogatory" terms, and univeristy officials using it. please find an example of the univeristy of texas officials referring to aggy as anything other than aggies. whereas $bill and other aggy officials love to refer to texas as t. u.

as for the aggy thing. let me see if i can dumb this down far enough for you. aggy was coined as a parody to make fun of how stupid y'all are with t. u. and other examples of groupthink mentality.
All right, Ag Fan - a question.

When YOU write "t.u." do you mean "the university?" If YOU are a proud and true Texan, you would never, ever do anything do disparage Texas, right?
I told you guys he's outstanding cheap entertainment!

I also said he'll bite on every hook no matter what kind of crap you bait it with.

Thank you AgFan, thank you very much.
Welcome to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Aggies Website!

Let he without communities of faculty and graduate students whose work questions the meaning of sexual identities, performances, discourses, practices and representations cast the first stone.
I don't have a lot to add to this except to say that Texas didn't have a Republican governor between the end of reconstruction and 1978 and that the Democrats held a majority in the Texas House and Senate from the 1870s to the 1990s. But, carry on with the whole "Texas is traditionally Republican" thing.
So much for your conservative religions in b/cs:
Friends Congregational Church - 979.693.7021 - United Church of Christ congregation. Open and affirming to everyone, regardless of sexual orientation

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship - 979.696.5285 - non denominational worship. Welcomes people of all faiths regardless of sexual orientation

St. Francis Episcopal Church - 979.696.1491 - open & affirming Episcopalian church on Rock Prairie Road

St. Thomas Episcopal Church - 979.696.1726 - open & affirming Episcopalian church on George Bush Drive


As far as your wife goes, if she were a large animal vet, I'm sure she'd run into plenty of gay aggy farmers
Recognizing their existence, allowing them into groups/congregations/clubs, putting the bare minimum amount of effort in their direction, does not equate to 'FRIENDLY' environment for them. Find me a ranking that has A&M(or BCS) on the friendly side cuz 4 churches isn't going to cut it. Good luck too.
I begin to think Ag is an imposter, a well done one. If so, nice job.

If not, just another sad example of what's wrong with Aggy.

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