Soooooooorrrryyyyyy! I don't go to the 3:16 board, so I didn't know this was out there. I did get it from a manager of the team who had sent it to a friend well before the RB. So please go easy on me tough guys.
My daughter sent me the photo with this narrative:
Cheerleading, tumbling lessons and camps since
age 3; $30,000
Annual cost of attending USC: $25,000
Annual cost of staying just the right shade of blonde: $10,000
Cheering when the other team scores: PRICELESS !
My buddy received this email from his friend (Duke) in LA:
Yes Bruins, it is a beautiful day. The our boys in True Blue limped into Pauley with 1/3 of the squad injured and completely dismantled the rocket scientists from figeroa tech. It was so frightening for the scrojans that it actually made sc's Nick Young's hair stand up. Hats off to our fantastic basketball coach that managed to hold the toejams to 20 points less then what our football team gave up. It was a huge win for the Bruins and a nice welcome to Tim Floyd...a technical foul during a first class butt whipping...can you imagine the pressure that guy must be experiencing following in the footsteps of former Lavin assistant Jimmy Saia?
As giddy as I am for our huge victory, the real reason for this email is to give you all an update on our favorite scrojan cheerleader (seen below whose name we have now learned is Natalie). Yes, unable to resist temptation, I went to the game last night armed with an 8 x 10 copy of the photo below. My mission was to actually meet the peroxide blonde beauty that requires cue cards as to when to cheer and when not to cheer. As I was about to inquire with what I thought was the cheering diva, her fellow cheerleader apparantly saw me with photo in hand and tried to pull young Natalie out of harms way all the while shoving her elbow firmly in my ribs. I was really impressed with Natalie's teammate. Not by the fact that she was trying to protect her fellow cheer girl...not by the fact that she has such sharp elbows, rather I was impressed that Natalie's teammate was able to see my picture through the gobs of eye make up that she was supporting.
I caught my breath and felt my chest to check for any fractures and found none. Meanwhile, I noticed young Natalie turned back and gave me a lovely smile and proudly said, "yes, that's me cheering." I told her that she was a good sport and we gave each other a high five.
I also noticed another cheer girl with a taped ankle and for a moment I was tempted to tell Natalie to advise her teammate about the danagers involved when scrojans try multi tasking such as walking while chewing gum. However, I did not want to give her a too much to think about as she had enough on her plate just trying to figure out that when someone in red puts the round ball in the hoop it is a good thing. Fortunately for Natalie and her teammates (some of which were supporting more make up then Bozo the Clown) the scrojan basketball team did their best not to score so there would be less confussion.
Never the less, the icing on the cake appeared to me five minutes later when my 11 year old son Jack arrived back at his seat carrying a huge smile and a copy of the same photo below and written on it was "Fight On, Natalie 2006".
It really was a lesson of how great this rivalry truely is. It shows that even though there are those like the scrojan genius fan me and my 6 year old Harrison saw at the football game in heritage hall (Bruin slang for restroom) that was drinking a beer that he had sneaked into the stadium, yelling on his cel phone dropping one f-bomb after another about how horrible the Bruins were all the while and unknowingly urinating on his Reggie Bush jersey that was a wee bit longer then his little trojan sword...that there really are a few of us that understand the true joy of hating our crosstown rival and still keeping things in perspective. So congratulations to cheer girl Natalie for keeping things in perspective...and would somebody please let her know that the game ended last night and that she can go home now.
Go Bruins, Duke
Cheerleading, tumbling lessons and camps since age 3: $30,000
Annual cost of attending USC: $ 50,000
Annual cost for staying just the right shade of blonde: $10,000
I think the point is Texas had just scored the winning TD and was going for two, so basically the photo captures one of the worst moments in USC football history. Every face in the USC crowd looks stunned and silent...except for our girl Natalie.
borna may be she knew the team needed real encouragement then and maybe she cheered to encourage everyone. Remember there were 19 seconds left and maybe she cheered to encourage them to play well and get a field goal to go into overtime. At a time when you are low you need cheering up and maybe she had the presence of mind to encourage her team.
I am not trying to ruin anyone's fun but all angles are worth discussing. Plus my analysis could be completely foolish.