USC Cheerleader Travels

With il duce and his girlfriend? Wow, that's way out there. Can anyone do her cheering on Bwana Dick the near-sighted wingshot? And by the way, this thread is simply amazing.

1) Under the bar on the left (upside down)
2) Top shelf or left, next to bottle of Heineken
3) Upper torso and head sticking out of blue coffee mug
4) On the Heineken lable between the two right-most nuns' heads (hidden by black Heiny bar)
5) ?Fishy looking red and yellow blobs between right-most nun's legs (no song girl, just pompoms)?
I'm so glad to find this thread! Savvy posts at another board I'm on and I became a big fan of her work. I can see that there are lots of other choppers here to enjoy!I
And with Sonny's post this thread has officially come full circle. Natalie and the Fonz jumping the shark, might be the best first-time post in the history of Hornfans, and the timing is absolutely perfect.

May she now be retired to the Classics where she belongs
