US citizen NO due process. Al Q US due process

Yes I generally supported Bush and am most certainly a conservative
This particular issue is not partisan. It is a matter of either following our laws or not.

You say al awlaki was " hiding" yet we, US knew where he was. If the underwear bomber could easily find him we know SOF could.
BO admin says we couldn't capture him. We don't know if we even tried.

IF we think due process is so important ( and we apparently do since we are according it to a Osama SIL even though he isn't a US citizen) how could we not accord it to a US citizen?

Has there been ANY proof al awlwaki did more than write incendiary blogs and preach anti American tripe?
Really do you think telling the underwear bomber to detonate a bomb is worthy of out right killing of a citizen?

All I have read is we "think" he was more directly involved.

is thinking it so enough for you?

This is not partisan for me. If this had been Romney oking the killing of an American in this manner I would be just as angry.

Uni's questions are right at the heart of the issue.

rv, when there is a GOP POTUS will you be ok with him or her killing an American on foreign soil becase we think that citizen is writing urging killing other Americans?
I will recognize that person as an enemy of the US.

You must have skipped reading my link if you think the terrorist was graspable and merely writing things.

You seem very concerned about this "American citizen on foreign soil" and don't like to use the word terrorist.

I'll play your game: "Do you want a GOP president to be as easy on terrorists who intend harm to the US and have been complicit in such acts as you demand of a Dem president?"

Have the last words. My work is done here.
we will just disagree then

I don't want any POTUS circumventing the Constitution by killing an American citizen because they " think " someone is a terrorist.
Tim McVeigh was certainly a terrorist and he got the full benefit of due process.

You are willing to accept that we could not capture al alwaki. I am not

and if your metric is only that we can and should kill terrorists then certainly Osama's SIL would be if not first at least at the top end of a line of known terrorists.

You are right
There is nothing more to say since we each have a difference in what due process means and to whome it should be extended.

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