Upwards of 80 House Members are Communists

Is that Rep's name being associated to the list of House members above? Then, sure, add him in with Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson-Lee.
Change of topic referenced for the lack of reply from my question. Keep up or go into read only

Wait, man purse. I apologize. You don't answer questions. You're a dominant.
I respect the people from CPUSA a hell of a lot more than I do the weasels of the Democrat Party. At least the commies have the integrity to admit who they are.
Leftwith and Sangre -- do you understand the difference in government between the old East Germany and the current united country of Germany? Do you understand that even with universal health care, high taxes, environmental regulation out the wazoo, heavy government subsidies for clean fuels and heavy restrictions on gun ownership neither Germany nor Denmark are communist countries? If you can't tell the difference between communism and social democracy you should read a little history.

If you think people are dishonest when they don't accept the label you or Rep. Allen West try to lay on them you should at least try to apply a little intellect when you start calling them out. Do you realize that in the continum starting on the right with Divine Rights Monarcy to the absolute left, North Korea style commuinsm, our whole politcal class is in a narrow band called classical liberalism?
This President is working hard at moving us much farther to the left, without the authority of Congress (in the last couple years). Freedom and liberty are taking a beating in the process. Since Allen West and his family have a huge personal investment in defending freedom and liberty, I tend to listen to what they have to say. Those than long for what Germany has should study history a bit more closely.
Crockett, when one considers the ideas of Freedom and Liberty, I must say that you have one of the more ironic names on Hornfans.
Shiner, I was making what has turned out to be an unfruitful effort to help people understand what a communist is. I'm not arguing for the US to become a social democracy. I'm just trying to educate folks who apparantly want to revise the definition of Communist into something very different than what academics understand it to be. I was hoping against hope the "West Germany, East Germany" thing might trigger some flashback to high school civics that would let you know they had very different sorts of government. (Hint, a lot of freedom loving people in East Germany really would have preferred to live in West Germany, so much so that the communists built a wall to keep them in. Ronald Reagan didn't say "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." so that Germany would become a unified communist country.)
Maybe Allen West is a smart good guy and it's just by chance that every time I notice him he's saying something at odds with what seems true and logical. Shiner, I do think you need to be open to the possibility that perhaps it's a factor other than genius that causes people to see things the way you do.

Deez -- your insights are helpful and I agree that Communist despots and Monarchist despots have much in common. I always wish to live in the area where human rights are protected and people have power over their government. Again, I see politicians in our capitalist country mostly fall within a very narrow range of political beliefs compared with those in other industrialized countries. We have capitalists with left-leaning tendencies and we have those who want little restraint on business.

By the way, when I was studying these things it seems like you had the Nazis/Divine Rights Monarchists on the right and the totalitarian communists on the left. Your model, with anarchy on the right and absolute despotism on the left seems more useful. It's not the way I learned it, but it makes a lot of sense. Would the polar opposites under you model, be say, Somalia, with no effective government, and North Korea with over the top oppression?
Deez: without agreeing with your formulation (I don't), I note that to my eyes your discription of what you believe a far left victory would result in, and what a far right would result in are each fascism.
Hsplugga -- your model adds complexity, but it's still hard to decide where to put someone on the model. I think a political model would also need at least one more dimension. Religion has a big impact on the role of government in a lot of Muslim countries and even quite a bit on our own. European and Japanese democracies not so much.

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