Update on missing girl

my brother is a doctor in Albuquerque. i have sent this to him for he and the hospital staff to see. i would seriously consider contacting Americas Most Wanted and John Stosell.you can run, but you can't hide. contact Mitsy Gillis of the FBI in Austin(i'll assume you've already talked to them).

one way or another we'll bring your baby back home. believe it.

Are there any pics of the "mother".?If anyone recognizes her, that would be a good start.

I'm keeping my eyes peeled. And my prayers are with you.
I sent the "Find Sabrina" link to my cousins in Alamogordo, NM, and got this bit of info: One of the last names the mother has used is Patel. Its an unusal name around here, but we have one family with that last name in Alamogordo. I believe they are either Hungarian or Slovak in ethnic origin, and the father may have married into a hispanic family. They own one of the lesser expensive motels here and the father also ran a taxi company although he died about 6 months to a year ago.
My cousin's husband and son run a lawnmower/power tools shop, and have printed and distributed flyers to local business like restaurants, etc. Anyone in communication with Sabrina's Dad might want to make sure he's aware of this. Probably old info, or not related, but one never knows.
Still praying...
Did we ever hear what happened with this girl?? If so I missed it, sure do hope everything worked out good...just wondering????
I saw pictures of Sabrina and her Dad on TV last night during a preview for the 10:00 news. I was on the phone, so I had the volume turned down. By the time I got it turned up, the blurb was over and I didn't see the news. Is there a new development? I guess I should check the web-site.
As was posted here several weeks ago, my daughter was abducted. Details are at http://findsabrina.org/ If you look at the photos, you can see I'm doing my best to raise her with the orange blood that is her birth right. We attended 3 games together last year.

We are having the Find Sabrina Benefit on Saturday, June 1st. This will be a carnival and concert, and there will be a silent auction. For sale will be a football signed by the 2001 Longhorns, and a smaller one signed by Coach Brown. This is a family event, and you are all invited.

Details are at the site http://findsabrina.org/

Greg, Sabrina's Dad
Wow! I can't believe it's been almost 6 years.

I was just reading recruiting news and one of my girls let out a little cry in her sleep. For some reason, it made me think of Sabrina.

May she be brought home soon.....

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