Underage Illegals, what should we do?

Oh, no, not punished as far as I am concerned. Allow them to sign up to participate in the legal registration process as any other sovereign country handles immigration. They might have punished themselves by making a risky venture but that is not the problem of the citizens of the USA. Don't discriminate in these proceedings nor give preferences.

Now, if we want to change the laws to allow anyone in then that is something to discuss separate from this topic in my opinion.

What about giving entrant, each, a fast and furious gun as they enter the country too.
I am not as cold hearted as this will sound, but when does this stop? It won't, so I will be the non-PC dude here and say it (a few of these I heard others say).

I say we send these poor helpless children illegally flooding in to the US to:

1. Most of them to the Mall at the US Capital
2. Private school where BHO's children go to school
3. Searchlight Nevada - Harry Reid's hometown
4. Las Vegas NV
5. The front lawn of John McCain's home
6. Martha's Vineyard
7. Chuck Schumer's front lawn if he has one - if not his apt. vestibule.
7. Governor's Mansion in Virginia - residence of Terry McAuliff
8. Central Park - NY
9. Michelle Obama's White House garden
10.Downtown Chicago and governor's mansion front lawn where the "Honorable" Governor Rahm Emanuel resides.
How did things get turned around to where it is OUR fault there are so many illegals who snuck in housed together?
Much of the media reporting seems slanted to our badly we are treating these illegals and something must be done.

I wasn't surprised to hear one amnesty advocate say, on ABC I think, that we are a better nation than to treat these illegals like dogs.

So from now on the MSM story will be how we must give these illegals better treatment.
giving them food water housing medical treatment apparently isn't enough.
How do kids this small navigate and cross hundreds of miles? who is giving them a ride? Or do they walk?

Illegal immigration into the US is ... well, it sucks and is deplorable. Somehow it got started that it was okay.

You see America that was built up and you think, hey, why not go there... it's a turn key situation. It's a ready made country. Already in place. All we have to do is just move there and take advantage of it. Hell, we don't even have to build a country ourselves. We don't have to take responsibility for anything. And by leaving, we can let the place we're from go all to hell.

Or, if America cares so much about justice in places like, say, Ukraine, or the Middle East, then saddle up and go South of the Border and fight the gangs and bandits there, and help restore a reasonable government. There is no communism there to thwart, just people to care about. Get the hell out of Nato and Europe and the Middle East and help here, in our own hemisphere.
Speaking for America's children: Send them back, ASAP.

The scourge of illegals has brought America to its knees. Millions of jobs denied to our teenagers, our
single parent families, and other of America's less fortunate population. You do know what happens to most teenagers when work is not available to them? Not to mention the American journeyman/apprentice that has lost their jobs to lower paid illegals.

The last REAL president was Eisenhower. He would not put up with this pathetic un-American activity.
Some have suggested that problems of other countries, problems that do not impact our national security are not our problem and we can't be the world's savior. This problem is the problem of the sovereign nations from which they came
and some.even many, suggest we send them back to their home countries and let those sovereign nations handle their own problems.

That seems reasonable and workable.
of course others will cry out that we would be letting innocent people die.
This nation is marching steadily toward national suicide. I really don't see the march stopping. What will the illegals/dems/libs/ and the PC police do when this nation of milk and honey looks like Juarez? Will they even realize what they have done?
immigrants take jobs that americans won't do for crummy wages; the ones I did when I was a teenager. Employers like that because they get by with lower wages and employees who won't just walk off if the job is unsafe, unsanitary or underpaid. So the Chamber of Commerce loves all the poor folks from other countries. What happens as a result twenty years from now is not their concern. It is ours, if we value this country.

How many of you whiners have ever written a letter to your congressman? It works. Mine is tearing his hair out trying to decide what to do: what his letter writing constituents want or what his campaign contributor business people want.

Get on your congressman.

By the way, Henry Cuellar has been a state rep, Perry's Secretary of State and a democratic congressman from Laredo for some years and is smart as a whip and not cowed about working with republicans when it is useful. He should be getting looked at for Veep, not that jerk Castro.
Are you just being your usual self, arguing for the sake of it?
or are you trying to be cute and say that 35,000 month into Texas alone is not a flood?
Either way you look silly

LATimes linkThe Link

BTW Border agents pointing out there are gang members among those poor children coming here illegally
but that is ok, right Pharm?
OH this should take care of the problem.

"WASHINGTON Facing a tide of unaccompanied children pouring into the U.S., the Obama administration will dispatch Vice President Joe Biden to Central America this week to make it clear they are not eligible for a path to citizenship and may be subject to deportation.

Read more here:The Link
Since no one on either side is willing to do anything about it I would suggest that you learn Spanish and/or teach your children Spanish.

Manifest destiny is a ***** isnt it?
Hang all of their hides on the border fence to send a message that the illegals are breaking the law.
Spider......Most nations would stop an invasion by ANY force necessary. Why don't you pull out your checkbook and pay for the illegals needs?
In reply to:
In reply to:
We can't let the children die of hunger and the elements.


I must ask, what are you doing personally to ensure they don't die of hunger and the elements, besides voting for Democrats to redistribute wealth?

I'm the kind of person who has volunteered to deliver meals on wheels, been a foster parent, cooked for families when a member is fighting cancer and the like. I draw the line sometimes. My church used to gather up volunteers to cook for the homeless in downtown Dallas. I volunteered a couple of times, but stopped when I started thinking my contribution was labor. After making a living working 45-55 hours per week why should I cook for people who have ample free time. They may have been legitimately hungry, but were every bit as capable as I of scrambling eggs and setting up tables.

As far as allowing starvation of children, it's not what civilizations do. Certainly the likes of John Wesley, Charles Dickens and Victor Hugo were criticized by those who though the starving poor and helpless orphans somehow deserved their circumstance. Ultimately the kind Christian point of view won so thoroughly that even my atheist and agnostic friends buy into it without questions. Hell, I think poor as they are, Mexicans and Salvadorans would do what they could to keep kids from starving.
People like you are the scary ones. Get your head out of the sand. No wonder you live in Seattle.
M -- I have no control over the fact that we are providing for the children. I've written no letter nor made any phone calls about the issue. I can't imagine our government would do otherwise. When you elect a politician on the "let 'em starve" platform I'll take you seriously. I don't think there is anybody but internet blowhards who really want kids dying of hunger on our side of the border.
So what's the answer, Crocket? Apparently keeping them from crossing the border is impossible. Supporting them will take money that we should be spending on needy American children. Somehow I don't think sending Joe Biden to solve the problem will work.

So do we just throw up our hands and give up? I'm not sure there is a good answer, but doing nothing could certainly destroy our economy, not to mention the effect on millions of Americans who work hard to support their own families.

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