I come at this from both sides: 1) I've served in combat; 2) I spent 30 yrs as a newspaper guy.
FWIW, here's what I think:
1. The troops who did this are stupid. Having said that, it's happened in every war. It happened in WWII, Korea, Vietnam (I know. I saw it), etc. "Being in combat" doesn't justify it but it probably explains it.
2. Serving in combat doesn't make you stupid. It does make you callous. That is simple self-preservation. If you get all emotional every time you see a dead body you are not going to last. You see it. Accept it. Say "Better him than me" and move out. It may take a toll later but you learn to live with it at the time.
3. Most of the time that kind of behavior is a dick-measuring contest. One guy starts it with "Hey, look at this." Meaning "This **** don't bother me." It's a bit of a game of oneupmanship. Not always but usually. Each guy feels like he has to take part so he doesn't look like a ***** to buddies.
4. Nothing new here. What is new is A) Digital pix; B) Social media; C) Internet. Having your pic taken, or taking the pic, in that situation is just stupid. You have to know it's going to get out. If you don't you should and that makes you stupid.
5. What they don't realize now (but will in 40 yrs) is that the worst picture is the one you can't get out of your head but that's another issue.
6. As to the LA Times, it has every right to publish those photos. Having the right and making it right are two different things.
7. All that crap posted about "inciting the terrorists" and "protecting our boys" and "the liberal press" is just that, a buncha crap. The photos are two years old fer chrissakes. Most of the guys in those pix probably aren't even in the Army any more and if they are they probably are not in Afghan and if they are it's not in the same area.
8. The Taliban doesn't need any more motivation to kill Americans than they have now. Those photos are and the hoo-ha surrounding them are PR only...on both sides. Taliban: "Look what the evil infidels are doing to our brothers." (Hey, they don't give a **** and everyone knows it). Pentagon: "You are putting our troops in danger." (What it means is that several generals retirement pay is being put in danger and a few Colonels are now sweating out making the next Generals' list). The "public positions" of both sides are *********.
9. If I had been at the LAT I wouldn't have published the photos for a simple reason. They have no news value. I would have been smacked down and reversed by my bosses because without question the pix have shock value. No matter what the LAT "public position" is it's ********* too. It's not unlike the troops dick-measuring contest that started it all.
10. The LAT was saying to the NY Times, WaPo, et.al, "Hey, **** you. Look what we got and you didn't." I guarantee you that the photos and the stories around them will be submitted in next year's LAT Pulitzer Prize entries.
11. So, there you have it. It's got squat to do with the 1st Amendment, nati'l security, "force protection" or any other high-minded purpose. It's all, "Hey, look how big my dick is." And it's all damned stupid.