
This is Google not Twitter
Epstein is an interesting follow

Cruz at hearing with Epstein on Google and the election
It's set to FF to ~5:30, but the whole thing (~12m) is worth watching
Big Tech did what it did in 2016 but it was a light clench, since they thought they were going to win anyway. This time will not be the same. We are already seeing it, and it is going to get worse.

As long as Jack isn't making money off the political information either, I can't argue.

As long as Twitter doesn't censor, I can't argue.

But as always if there was a real competitor out there. This would cause a big shift in platform usage, meaning Jack loses a lot of money. End the monopoly.
Twitter banned journalist Andy Ngo
He wrote an article about it
Andy Ngo responds: Twitter punishes you for telling the truth - The Post Millennial

"Andy Ngo responds: Twitter punishes you for telling the truth"
On “Trans Day of Remembrance” this year, numerous politicians and celebrities used the occasion to virtue signal on social media. They repeated the claim-turned-mantra from LBGT activist groups that there is an “epidemic” of trans homicides motivated by transphobia and racism in the U.S.

Chelsea Clinton, doing what the Clintons do best, weighed in vapidly on Nov. 20: “Since 2013, more than 150 trans people have been murdered in the U.S., the majority Black transgender women. On #TDoR2019, we remember and honor the lives lost, hold their loved ones in our hearts and must commit to doing all we can to end this epidemic of violence and hate.”

Though the sentiment is valid, the claim she repeats is not. There is no “epidemic” of violent homicides against trans people in the U.S. How do I know? From data released by the Human Rights Campaign and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

I responded to Ms. Clinton: “The U.S. is one of the safest countries for trans people. The murder rate of trans victims is actually lower than that for cis population. Also, who is behind the murders? Mostly black men.”

Five days later, I was informed by Twitter that I had violated its policy against “hateful conduct.” For stating a verifiable empirical claim, Twitter determined that I “promote violence against, threaten or harass other people” based on protected characteristics. I was given the option of deleting the tweet and facing a timed suspension, or appealing the decision while remaining indefinitely locked out of the platform. I chose the latter option.

My appeal was rejected...."
Jack has shown a totalitarian bent as of late. He is actively trying to curtail speach he doesn't like. He should be viewed as an editor and not a platform under the law.
Translation = Twitter could not identify anything wrong but suspended the Twitter accounts of Trump supporters nevertheless

This is election interference

German Twitter is blocking searches about Coronavirus in Germany, instead pointing to a Government health institute.
Who know what else they are doing? Probably playing around with the rankings too. They probably are saying it is to avoid misinformation, but this type of media manipulation by a Govt is pretty alarming.

German Twitter is blocking searches about Coronavirus in Germany, instead pointing to a Government health institute.
Who know what else they are doing? Probably playing around with the rankings too. They probably are saying it is to avoid misinformation, but this type of media manipulation by a Govt is pretty alarming.


I'm not sure it's that nefarious. They're basically doing the same thing in the US.
I'm not sure it's that nefarious. They're basically doing the same thing in the US.

The US Govt is directing Twitter traffic and blocking the free flow of information about Covid-19? I dont see that. Germany's behavior on social media in this regard is closer to that of China than the US.
The US Govt is directing Twitter traffic and blocking the free flow of information about Covid-19? I dont see that. Germany's behavior on social media in this regard is closer to that of China than the US.

I'm not totally sure. I set my VPN to the US and got this message.


Similar to what I got with the VPN off.

I'm not totally sure. I set my VPN to the US and got this message.

Similar to what I got with the VPN off.

I dont get any of that, with a VPN or not. Maybe the Germans are onto your VPN?

The best information we have had since this outbreak has been from Chinese citizens using their cell phones. They were banned by their own govt from publishing anything about the coronavirus and threatened with jail if they tried. Some tried anyway and they were jailed. So what they did to get the info out was bypass their own govt by sneaking their videos and chat room info to Taiwan and/or Chinese living in the US (such as Miles Guo), who then re-distributed this info to the rest of the world. This is how we, all of us on the planet, first learned the truth of what was really happening in China. The US Govt did not, is still not and likely will not suppress any of it.
I dont get any of that, with a VPN or not. Maybe the Germans are onto your VPN?

The best information we have had since this outbreak has been from Chinese citizens using their cell phones. They were banned by their own govt from publishing anything about the coronavirus and threatened with jail if they tried. Some tried anyway and they were jailed. So what they did to get the info out was bypass their own govt by sneaking their videos and chat room info to Taiwan and/or Chinese living in the US (such as Miles Guo), who then re-distributed this info to the rest of the world. This is how we, all of us on the planet, first learned the truth of what was really happening in China. The US Govt did not, is still not and likely will not suppress any of it.

I'm not suggesting that the US is suppressing it. I'm suggesting that the German government likely isn't suppressing it either. The search result comes up about the same.

And no, the German government isn't onto my VPN. They aren't that smooth.
Twitter has now suspended Martin Shkreli (Turing Pharmaceuticals)

Remember Martin Shkreli?
He has asked for a prison furlough to deal with the coronavirus
How about this - give him a set time period (4 months?) and if he is able to manage the creation of a COVID-19 vaccinem, then he gets a presidential pardon?

Trump agrees with you that the media is biased and corrupt. He's on a tear today about the MSM. He's even talking about not allowing people with NY Times credentials into his events. That would be funny.

I would extend that to CNN and any news outlet that engages in DNC propaganda. Washington Post, NYT, WSJ, Bloomberg, and every other rag and Leftest news organization. Might be an empty room but at least a message will be given loud and clear.
These are from Twitter employee Ian Brown who works as a "Senior Engineering Manager" there

so twitter will ban us from saying things like that, but they can say it and be above the twitter law.

I've never been on twitter and never will be, looking forward to it dying just like My Space. Same for Facebook.
It appears that certain apps, like Tik Tok for example, give that app the rights/permission to make changes to your other apps


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