Turning in Cheaters

To answer the relevant question, yes, cheaters should be exposed. If Texas is found to have cheated, I am fully supportive of Texas getting punished by the NCAA just like everybody else -- and punished even more brutally in the press because, unlike OU, Texas does not pride itself on cheating.
BadExcuse - you bet, right on the money.

73 - Do you want to equate a pair of cowboy boots to A&M? Keep in mind how Jackie Sherrill stood up at his first A&M booster meeting saying unequivically and quite clearly that he needed them to get him the players and he would win. He said flat outright, shamefully outright, that he did not care what they had to do to get the players to come to A&M, just do it and this program would become a dynasty. They did just that, the talent did come and Texas did lose to them for a long time.

There are only 2 sides to this issue. The right side and the wrong side. Neutrality doesn't exist.
with all due respect OrangeClad, Texas went on probation in 88 for providing cash to players & potential recruits, cars, free repairs to cars, lodging to prospective recruits, meals, free flights, and a host of other things that are in the public report.
If that means "Tony Lama" to you then by all means Texas just was popped for providing boots.
Yeah, Big Red Imports operation is all on the up and up and all of it really came out. What, there were 25 or so woriking down there and only 2 or 3 were getting the honey deals?
It seems like you have been getting your *** beat 2 out of the last 3 years.
Yeah, Since what years you want to pull up? I like the one year that made it 12-2, Texas under Royal or we could go with every Texas coach from Royal on has a winning record against ou except than darn Mack Brown and he is 4-6. I think he will remedy that before he leaves and that will give us coaches with winning records against them for 50+ years.
He is saying that out of 8 years, ou does things in six of them that warrant probation. He likes that math better than the fact that out of three, in two of 'em they do things that warrant probation. It is about tweaking numbers (as in paychecks, coat discounts and such) at ou.
Open letter:

73, let me once again invite you to make your next (8th) post on this thread your first one about turning in cheaters (the subject). We all know that Texas has been sanctioned in the past by NCAA and that it is an important part of your identity. You don't need to repeat yourself on this or any other thread that addresses other topics (however much in your mind it seems inherently relevant to all possible threads remotely dealing with rules). If you think you are being singled out unfairly, try the following experiment: register at soonerfans with an apparently UT-friendly name and post specifics about OU cheating. I think you will find that the polite requests here to stop acting like such an *** are extraordinarily mild by comparison. Thank you for your future class and courtesy.

EDIT: typo corrected
Deloss Dodds put an end to any cheating by UT when he imposed in the contract of every coach, from football to rowing, that any coach that knowingly breaks an NCAA rule is automatically terminated.
since73 pwn3d by Marley
it is always entertaining to watch the kissing cOUsins talk about cheating. cheating is one thing that ou will always be better at than texas.

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