
I am not sure this is a bad thing long term for the Republican Party. It needs to be destroyed and the rising stars, other than Tim Scott, are not necessarily stars in my view - especially Ryan.

They have their faults, but we shouldn't throw them all away and stain the party just to really around Trump. Every idiotic thing he says or does makes the "he's better than Hillary" rationale weaker and weaker.

The real harm is to the United States in general. The SC appointees by Clinton will put us over the edge.

I agree. It's going to be bad.
Trump has no humility, says slightly racist things and hurls offensive insults at his opponents.... He seems to be following Ali's example.

Honestly, maybe I am too young, but I cannot figure out why Trump's arrogance and insults are frowned upon and Ali's are praised for "telling it like it is."

I personally think we should have a higher standard for USPOTUS than boxers, but that's just me. One's an entertainer the other has direct influence on my fate and as a world superpower the fate of nearly everyone on Earth.

"Watch Muhammad Ali’s Perfect Response To ‘Not All White People Are Racist’ — In 1971"

"There are many white people who mean right and in their hearts wanna do right. If 10,000 snakes were coming down that aisle now, and I had a door that I could shut, and in that 10,000, 1,000 meant right, 1,000 rattlesnakes didn’t want to bite me, I knew they were good... Should I let all these rattlesnakes come down, hoping that that thousand get together and form a shield? Or should I just close the door and stay safe?"

This sounds like Trump's policy on mexicans and muslims.
I personally think we should have a higher standard for USPOTUS than boxers, but that's just me. One's an entertainer the other has direct influence on my fate and as a world superpower the fate of nearly everyone on Earth.

I 100% agree. That's why I didnt vote for Trump in the primary and wont vote for him in the fall. I was just responding to an above poster's comment.
I think it unwise to confuse Ali the elder statesman with Ali the brash young boxer building a name for himself and stirring controversy to sell fight tickets.
I think it unwise to confuse Ali the elder statesman with Ali the brash young boxer building a name for himself and stirring controversy to sell fight tickets

I wonder if someone will say this about Trump one day. Trump's defenders claim this is all "politicking" for the primaries and the election and he will become a statesman later.

Admirers of Mr Ali’s also admit that he was no Martin Luther King apostle of a multicultural world in which races would cease to matter. The boxer’s alliance with the Nation of Islam put him in line with a vision of black empowerment and conscious separation. In his own statement of condolences, Mr Obama wrote: “He wasn’t perfect, of course. For all his magic in the ring, he could be careless with his words, and full of contradictions as his faith evolved.”

And Trump supporters could claim Trump is careless in his words while his policies evolve.

Also, Trump claims to be fighting the establishment. Those that attack Trump point out his family changed their name from Drumpf and call him "Donald Drumpf." Those that didnt like Ali called him by his birth name.

The different reactions these men elicit is fascinating. There is a paper to be written here somewhere.

Maybe Ali and Trump fans have more in common than they realize. Maybe Americans like confident, outspoken men perceived to be fighting the establishment that are not afraid to say what they think, even if it is sometimes wrong or offensive. Maybe Trump has tapped into something. I, for one, cannot understand the appeal of Trump, but the appeal of Ali might provide some insight.

Read that huffington post article with the "snakes" quote. That entire article could be written exactly the same if you substituted "white racism" with "islamic terrorism" or "illegal immigrant crime."

Like I said, I am simply fascinated by this whole thing.
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It's one thing to act juvenile as a uneducated 25-year-old, quite another as an Ivy League educated 70-year-old millionaire who has sought the public eye his entire adult life.
The economy is crappy, and we shouldn't accept that as the new normal. It was a golden opportunity for the GOP to offer a strong economic conservative alternative who could have shuffled the electoral map, and instead it offered a joke. Sad.

If everything was right in the world Hillary would be wear an orange prison jumpsuit instead of pantsuit.
After watching Trump make fun of the handicapped reporter and listening to his muslim position, I and the Koch brothers would have paid good money to see Muhammad Ali teach Donald Trump some American core values. ....

Perfect microcosm of modern American life.
Every single day, there is a race to see who can be the most offended, the fastest.
It's ridiculous.
Meanwhile the fate of the Republic, indeed the world itself, twists in the wind.

IMO, it explains part of the appeal of Trump. A large chuck of the country has grown sick of the continuous daily low droning of whining, bitching and moaning over the latest perceived insult. They just don't care how this person or that is insulted anymore.
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It's one thing to act juvenile as a uneducated 25-year-old, quite another as an Ivy League educated 70-year-old millionaire who has sought the public eye his entire adult life

I agree, I am not defending Trump. However, there are quite a few articles praising Ali's juvenile actions (not his later actions), like the snakes quote article, as courageous. I am talking about how popular many of those actions of Ali's seem to be right now and how unpopular to some and popular to others Trump's similar juvenile actions and quotes are.

Many of Ali's quotes as a younger man were juvenile (Ali repudiated them later in life). Many people today are celebrating those quotes as courageous and fighting the establishment. Trump's quotes are juvenile and often similar, and his followers praise them as courageous. What's interesting is those that praise Ali's juvenile acts that ali himself later condemned, complain about Trump's similar quotes.

As the washington post article points out, Ali did little for the civil rights movement in the 60s and 70s and yet he was and is perceived as a social justice warrior during that era by many. Is Trump doing anything for the working class? I doubt it, but his supporters sure think so.
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History says the following: “I remember when Ali joined the Nation of Islam,” Julian Bond recalled. “The act of joining was not something many of us particularly liked. But the notion he’d do it, that he’d jump out there, join this group that was so despised by mainstream America, and be proud of it, sent a little thrill through you.”

Trump's views are totally despised by the mainstream media, and Trump saying them and being proud of them sends a thrill through his supporters I suppose.

Like I said, the whole thing is fascinating.
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Perfect microcosm of modern American life.
Every single day, there is a race to see who can be the most offended, the fastest.
It's ridiculous.
Meanwhile the fate of the Republic, indeed the world itself, twists in the wind.

IMO, it explains part of the appeal of Trump. A large chuck of the country has grown sick of the continuous daily low droning of whining, bitching and moaning over the latest perceived insult. They just don't care how this person or that is insulted anymore.

The celebration of the insult, demean, and ridicule tactics is a response to political correctness? Suddenly civility is being defined by 2nd grade behavior, in a POTUS candidate no less. Trumpsters have gone mad.
Two big differences. First, conservatives generally don't hold up LBJ, JFK, and and Bill Clinton as being men of character and certainly don't view them as conservative standard bearers deserving of emulation.

Second, even those guys had some degree of decorum and discretion. LBJ didn't whip it out or take a crap in public. JFK didn't bang his intern in the Rose Garden. Bill Clinton didn't rape anybody or get his knob polished in the middle of the street. As sleazy as they were, they at least behaved like gentlemen in public. Accordingly, the people chose them under the assumption that they were decent men. The shortsighted morons who are voting for Trump now are aware of his issues and choose him anyway. That's much worse.
In his defense, Trump is 69 years old, manages a multi-billion dollar enterprise, a TV celebrity, and has never imploded, broken the law, etc. I don't see how the evidence supports your extrapolation of his behavior.
In his defense, Trump is 69 years old, manages a multi-billion dollar enterprise, a TV celebrity, and has never imploded, broken the law, etc. I don't see how the evidence supports your extrapolation of his behavior.

"never imploded" is pretty debatable. He hasn't violated criminal law that we are aware of but his involvement in 3,500 lawsuits and multiple settlements deflate the "broken the law" argument.
You obviously not been listening to Obama for the past what 10 years or so.......I love one sided listening.....

I'll bite. What insults has Obama hurled that would be equivalent to...
- Lyin' Ted
- Little Marco
- Crooked Hillary
- Rapists (describing illegal immigrants)
- Has called Obama a Muslim
- Mimicked/mocked a handicapped reporter
- Called reporters who challenged him "sleazy"
- Referenced Megyn Kelly's menstruation cycle
- Called an American born judge "Mexican" on over a dozen occasions

That's just off the top of my head. Note, none of these are political beefs. They are all personal insults. Trump has said/done all of this within the last 6 months. Come have 10 years of examples of Obama hurling personal insults at individuals, right?
Called an American born judge "Mexican" on over a dozen occasions

Seattle, I agree with your list except this one. Maybe it is a south texas regional thing, but many people of mexican heritage identify as mexican (and south texas germans and poles identify as germans and poles). Maybe that's insulting in other parts of the country, I do not know, but I never have been aware that calling someone of mexican heritage mexican, in and of itself, was insulting. Is the judge of a different ethnicity and I missed it? If so, it would be insulting to improperly identify someone's ethnicity.

I do agree with the rest of the list and I do agree that Trump saying the judge was "biased because he was mexican" was out of line, racist and insulting.
Oscar: My parents were Mexican.
Michael: Wow. That is... That is a great story. That's the American Dream right there, right?
Oscar: Thank... Yeah...
Michael: Um, let me ask you, is there a term besides Mexican that you prefer? Something less offensive?
Oscar: Mexican isn't offensive.
Michael: Well, it has certain connotations.
Oscar: Like what?
Michael: Like... I don't... I don't know.

P.S. I agree with Htown. Growing up in the Valley we never used the term Mexican American.
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Hillary's race war breakdown


Seattle, I agree with your list except this one. Maybe it is a south texas regional thing, but many people of mexican heritage identify as mexican (and south texas germans and poles identify as germans and poles). Maybe that's insulting in other parts of the country, I do not know, but I never have been aware that calling someone of mexican heritage mexican, in and of itself, was insulting. Is the judge of a different ethnicity and I missed it? If so, it would be insulting to improperly identify someone's ethnicity.

I do agree with the rest of the list and I do agree that Trump saying the judge was "biased because he was mexican" was out of line, racist and insulting.

I appreciate the insight. Growing up in rural Nebraska "Mexican" had a negative connotation in a "the other side of the tracks" way. Of course, I still remember my grandfather (100% German, 1st generation American) asking me if I liked some "wet%#@#" girl who's father was Mexican and happened to work with my grandfather. I was pretty shocked. Living in Seattle for some time I may be a little more sensitive to ethnicities and ethnic stereotypes thus tend to stay away from them.

My wife if 50% German, 25% Philippino, and 25% Spanish. When I called her "Hispanic" one time she was insulted but she definitely considers herself a minority. Needless to say, I stay away from ethnicity conversations all the time.
In his defense, Trump is 69 years old, manages a multi-billion dollar enterprise, a TV celebrity, and has never imploded, broken the law, etc. I don't see how the evidence supports your extrapolation of his behavior.

The evidence that he's a joke comes from what he says and what he claims he'll do if elected. A guy with the deportment of the Steven Stiffler character from American Pie who changes his positions on a dime and with a frighteningly incoherent and scattered foreign policy wanting to be President of the United States is a joke. The only bigger joke is that people are going to vote for him - not enough to win but enough to be an embarrassment.
Oscar: My parents were Mexican.
Michael: Wow. That is... That is a great story. That's the American Dream right there, right?
Oscar: Thank... Yeah...
Michael: Um, let me ask you, is there a term besides Mexican that you prefer? Something less offensive?
Oscar: Mexican isn't offensive.
Michael: Well, it has certain connotations.
Oscar: Like what?
Michael: Like... I don't... I don't know.

P.S. I agree with Htown. Growing up in the Valley we never used the term Mexican American.

I've heard some rednecks pronounce it "Messican." Is that offensive?
I'm sure I don't have to tell you this Deez, but the trick is to not give a **** about what other people say or think. Then you'll never be offended by anything.
The evidence that he's a joke comes from what he says and what he claims he'll do if elected. A guy with the deportment of the Steven Stiffler character from American Pie who changes his positions on a dime and with a frighteningly incoherent and scattered foreign policy wanting to be President of the United States is a joke. The only bigger joke is that people are going to vote for him - not enough to win but enough to be an embarrassment.
Oh, I see. You know better than the people. Why didn't you say so in the first place.
I'm sure I don't have to tell you this Deez, but the trick is to not give a **** about what other people say or think. Then you'll never be offended by anything.
That's hard to do if you are a know-it-all.
The evidence that he's a joke comes from what he says and what he claims he'll do if elected. A guy with the deportment of the Steven Stiffler character from American Pie who changes his positions on a dime and with a frighteningly incoherent and scattered foreign policy wanting to be President of the United States is a joke. The only bigger joke is that people are going to vote for him - not enough to win but enough to be an embarrassment.
Uh, Trump is going to win. How does that change your thinking?
The only bigger joke is that people are going to vote for him - not enough to win but enough to be an embarrassment.

Oh Deez, you continue this line, anyone who would vote for Trump is a joke, then you admit you know people you consider otherwise of above average intellect who are supporters. I would say you underestimate the degree to which those of us consider Hillary a bigger danger to the Country. As I have said, provided I could distinguish between the two, only Satan would be certain to not get my vote over Hillary.
Oh Deez, you continue this line, anyone who would vote for Trump is a joke, then you admit you know people you consider otherwise of above average intellect who are supporters. I would say you underestimate the degree to which those of us consider Hillary a bigger danger to the Country. As I have said, provided I could distinguish between the two, only Satan would be certain to not get my vote over Hillary.

Just to clarify the idiots were the ones who voted for him in the primary. Those who will vote for him the general election are just short sighted and have terrible judgment. Nevertheless, smart people do stupid things sometimes. There were brain surgeons, engineers, and intellectuals of various types who supported Hitler and Stalin.

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