It's one thing to act juvenile as a uneducated 25-year-old, quite another as an Ivy League educated 70-year-old millionaire who has sought the public eye his entire adult life
I agree, I am not defending Trump. However, there are quite a few articles praising Ali's juvenile actions (not his later actions), like the snakes quote article, as courageous. I am talking about how popular many of those actions of Ali's seem to be right now and how unpopular to some and popular to others Trump's similar juvenile actions and quotes are.
Many of Ali's quotes as a younger man were juvenile (Ali repudiated them later in life). Many people today are celebrating those quotes as courageous and fighting the establishment. Trump's quotes are juvenile and often similar, and his followers praise them as courageous. What's interesting is those that praise Ali's juvenile acts that ali himself later condemned, complain about Trump's similar quotes.
As the washington post article points out, Ali did little for the civil rights movement in the 60s and 70s and yet he was and is perceived as a social justice warrior during that era by many. Is Trump doing anything for the working class? I doubt it, but his supporters sure think so.
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History says the following: “I remember when Ali joined the Nation of Islam,” Julian Bond recalled. “The act of joining was not something many of us particularly liked. But the notion he’d do it, that he’d jump out there, join this group that was so despised by mainstream America, and be proud of it, sent a little thrill through you.”
Trump's views are totally despised by the mainstream media, and Trump saying them and being proud of them sends a thrill through his supporters I suppose.
Like I said, the whole thing is fascinating.