Seattle Husker
10,000+ Posts
Maybe you can look the other way as your rich neighbor screws your wife because he lets you use his expensive riding lawn mower. I can't.SH
" Send this abhorrent character to where he belongs?????
This Character who has decreased unemployment to record lows
among all of us including blacks and browns.
New black ownership of black owners increased by 400 % last year
who has brought Hundreds of millions of $$ back to USA from Corps who are spending the money here
who has seen hundreds of millions of 401ks increase Bigly
who has seen nations of NATO finally start to pay their share. etc etc
Who is seeing wages rise for the first time in a long time
Who has seen people receive more in their paychecks that in last 8 years of obama
and many more verifiable facts
i don't think abborrent means the same to you as it does to hard working Americans

On a serious note, Trump has done some things to juuce an economy that was already improving. Tax receipts are up (thanks primarily to the one-time windfall of repatriation of international revenue) yet the debt is growing at an accelerating rate. As a fiscal conservative, I get debt funding your way out of recessions. Debt funding your way through a good economy is a givaway to the wealthy class and a dumb thing to do.