Trump claims Cruz's father linked to JFK Assassin

Oh man, there's a Game of Thrones scenario. The GOP promises to go all in for Trump if he makes Kasich or Bush the VP, then once Trump gets into office, they do a stealth campaign to get him thrown out.
I wonder if someone like Kasich or Rubio might conclude that the odds of an electoral path to the Oval Office are slim, so the best way to get there is to hitch on to the Trump bandwagon then wait for the Donald to be impeached or resign.

I can't imagine that being a serious strategy. Of course, I never imagined Trump as a serious candidate either.
I will vote for Trump if he is the GOP nominee and I won't lose one minute of sleep about it. That is how bad for this country I believe Hillary to be.

Honestly, how can someone say that Trump is worse than Hillary? The stuff that people *suppose* that Trump will do, Hillary has already done worse. She is a proven liar who puts her personal convenience above the security of the country. I am much more baffled that she able to run for POTUS than that Donald Trump is.
I understand this sentiment and no way I vote for HRC. However, there is also no way I can support Trump simply from what he has demonstrated on the campaign trail. And honestly, Hillary will be no worse than Obama as long as the GOP holds the House and Senate.

Besides, Deez turned me on to Gary Johnson.
If Hillary is even the same as BO that is pretty dire.
She won't need Congress.
What would stop Hillary from using EO like BO has done?
Would you be ok with her using EO like he is?
Speaking of EO power abuse...who is a greater risk, HRC or Trump?

Can I get "Things the American electorate did not have to consider prior to this election" for $100, Alex?
The difference is that the republican congress and senate would have no problem impeaching Clinton. I think they were afraid to impeach Obama due to racial issues.

And to answer Husker, the dems will have hell to pay for allowing Obama to do what he did with EO. Trump will be much more abusive.
Does it matter to any of you that BO has averaged fewer executive orders per month than GW Bush, Bill Clinton, or Ronald Reagan?

Not really. I think the better metric is how many Executive orders are blocked by the Courts. There is nothing inherently wrong with Executive orders. There is plenty wrong with illegal Executive orders.

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