Trouble in Paradise?

Now they're laying off many people and blaming it on NIL. Some were long-time employees. They acted like the money for Jimbo was just laying around, you know, no problem. It never ends with these people.
I'd imagine sharing a stall with 3 Banditos after downing 4 or 5 fried burritos from a Monahans Allsups in the heat of August would be better than a day in College Station...
You have to give that milkman credit: the various flounces, leg tucks, and above the head air wanking movements are oddly intricate and precise.

There's real dedication there.

He probably invested a lot of time in learning and practicing that tai chi for numb nuts routine.
Those silly boys give milkmen a bad name. At one time my Dad had to deliver milk to feed my Mother and five kids and he would have run over those panty waists.
Well, When it comes to the aggy milkmen, it’s their own fathers who are casting doubt..

I know if my son ends up being an aggy milkmaid I will be going on Maury. Not the father not the father not the father please let it be not the father
Well, keep it on your bucket list. You never know what may happen in your lifetime!
Visiting even for as little time as a fraction of an instant, much less a full minute, would ever be on my list…unthinkable to imagine a full day in College Station.

Sharing a 100 degree stall with multiple flatulent Banditos…that’s an everyday, Trans-Pecos experience. It’s the Brandonistas I fear.
Two questions:
1. Why do this?
2. And what does “Batchelor” mean?

Vol is correct on #2 - that's a Cadillac dealer in San Antonio, but humahuma is actually closer to the truth as far as why the owner actually positioned things as they did, and that answers #1.
BREAKING NEWS, Texas A&M has been submitting some serious offers to OU in hopes that General Booty the goat will transfer!!!
Texas’ top ranked softball team will play in the super regionals against Aggie next weekend. Another chance to show who is big brother (sister?).