Trouble in Paradise?

getting fired from anything sucks. Especially after what they thought they were going to accomplish the next couple of years. This has got to be brutal for the guy. I don't care if he is at A&M, or was. His demotion has got to hurt his pride if nothing else. Maybe they will reassign him to oversee construction of a golf course, like another coach I recall.

I once got fired from a stringer job at a newspaper I hated and am still sort of bitter about it half a century later. And I deserved it. Hope it is bearable for the guy.
You were a newspaper guy?
Exactly. The proverbial genie is out of the box.
Smart move would be for Ag to look at the gazillion traditions and reevaluate the embarrassing ones that were previously secret because no one cared outside of Colleyville
You do realize this would mean removing literally EVERYTHING and every one, right?
The people, program, school, and town would be gone
I know, Aggie is like when I get in an argument with the wife… slowly reach the conclusion I am wrong, and become too prideful to admit it.
So I just power through and then act like she doesn’t understand.
I just run out of the house and across our pasture screaming "This is insane! This is insane! This is so crazy and insane! You're making me insane!!"
Hahaha, like that rain. I used to just go get on my horse and ride the pasture talking to her about how misunderstood I was. Unfortunately too old to do that now so I just sulk - but we’ve been married so long now I (we) just grin and bear it for a few minutes then cannot remember what the disagreement was even about. Ole age dementia dies have some good points.
I just saw an Ag write that it’s good because the coaching staff now has time to recruit rather than play in a bowl game…. You can’t make this stuff up.
I have never visited TexAgs, but that has to be the dumbest thing ever posted there. Please, Jimbo, hire O'Brine. Replacing Darrell Dickey with Bill O'brine is roughly akin to replacing Jennifer Anniston with one of the women on My 600 lb life.
I have never visited TexAgs, but that has to be the dumbest thing ever posted there. Please, Jimbo, hire O'Brine. Replacing Darrell Dickey with Bill O'brine is roughly akin to replacing Jennifer Anniston with one of the women on My 600 lb life.
OMG Sabre, that's really funny.:yippee:
I have never visited TexAgs, but that has to be the dumbest thing ever posted there. Please, Jimbo, hire O'Brine. Replacing Darrell Dickey with Bill O'brine is roughly akin to replacing Jennifer Anniston with one of the women on My 600 lb life.
With a bag of flour
I have never visited TexAgs, but that has to be the dumbest thing ever posted there. Please, Jimbo, hire O'Brine. Replacing Darrell Dickey with Bill O'brine is roughly akin to replacing Jennifer Anniston with one of the women on My 600 lb life.
So is Sabre saying Bill O'Brien is a heavyweight OC, while Dickey is a lightweight?
atm leads a very short list of FBS teams in Texas NOT going to a Bowl game but sure, pan the Alamo Bowl and San Antonio
Sunday morning, our preacher was teaching out of Romans 8. He is indeed an Aggie, and the church is full of Aggies. He came to the part of message discussing understanding the gift of frustration and anticipation. His examples of frustration and anticipation:

1) Going through the drive thru to pick up dinner, getting home and finding out that they didn't put the french fries in your bag.

2) Having your running back breakaway and heading untouched toward the goalline only to drop the ball.

3) "On a more personal level and closer to home, having the #1 recruiting class in the country and going 5-7"

Yes, I did flash him "Hook Em" when he looked right at me. It took several minutes for the groaning in the sanctuary to die down.
I set the over under Ag portal bye bye at 8.5…. I was wrong
I counted today and it’s 19.

Let that sink in… 19!
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