Tree man *weak stomach warning*

wait, so Indonesian doctors stopped him from travling to the US for treatment? The article does not seem that clear to me (but i did just wake up so im not all there in my cognitive skills right now). If so, WTF. I guess i can kinda see the US not allowing him to enter for some reason or another, but his country not letting him leave?
basically Indonesia will not allow him to leave because villagers don't want to leave their homes. The doctor just wants to get him to a proper lab, but is willing to try and get the proper treatment to Indonesia.
OK, usually curiousity gets the best of me and I have seen some pretty insane stuff on the internet, but the reactions posted here and have made me decide not to click on the link.

I am at peace with my decision.
Oh, poop! i couldn't help myself and did end up looking. Not as bad as i thought.

Hey, the dude is smiling in the pictures. How bad could it be?
I managed to find the Discovery UK special about him. Truly much worse looking in action. Shame the job he has to do, and you really have to see his co-workers to believe that they really exist. Just wow.

What was almost as bad, was them also focusing on a guy in Eastern Europe with a similar affliction, but on his hands only. His as much shorter, but was hardening, basically freezing his hands in place where he couldn't use them at all. Doctors there decided to surgically remove his warts instead of with drugs. Basically they cut his skin off like a glove
and took some grafts from his thigh. There's a shot of the hard warty hand sitting there after being removed

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