It is how the university chooses to identify itself. Where is the crime? Here is what the official tOSU stylebook says about usage of the name:
The Ohio State University**
After the first full reference to The Ohio State University (note the capital T), the following references are acceptable:
Ohio State
the university (always lowercase)
Do not use “OSU” to refer to The Ohio State University.
In referring to regional campuses, the first reference in text copy should be to the complete title.
The Ohio State University at Lima offers courses in many areas.
The Ohio State University at Mansfield held a special student seminar.
Subsequent references:
Ohio State Lima
Ohio State Mansfield
Higher in the thread, someone said THE is not used in the university logo. Not true. From the official site:
It is The Ohio State University
And I have to disagree with my fellow, I presume, member of tOSU Alumni Assoc. above, Skippylou. The use did not start with President Gordon Gee. It predated him, back to the late 70s or early 80s in a marketing campaign. That's where it started and it stuck.
Personally, I like it for several reasons:
1) It does clear up confusion with Oregon and Oklahoma State Universities.
2) It adds dash to Monday Night Football player introductions of Buckeyes.
3) It does tend to piss off opponents. This is a good thing.
4) It does come off as a bit arrogant. I like that in a fighter, wait, in a football team.
5) And the ultimate honor, it generates a long thread on