Top 5 UT Qb's


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I would put Colt 2nd, Major 3rd, and Chris 4th. Not only based on talent but leadership abilities. With Colt and Major actually almost tied with Colt the edge due to his ability to scramble better.
The Link
Bobby Layne? James Street?

You probably need to define your terms a little better, because "Top" puts both these guys way ahead of your three.

Layne...yes. Street...yes. James Brown...yes. Vince...HELL yes. Colt...jury still out. Which of the two remaining do you pick? Sounds like a QB controversy to me.


If it was the top five QBs of all time for us I would put Vince as No. 1 of course. Jam,es Street no. 2, Duke Carlisle No. 3 and Eddie Phillips No. 4 because each of those players helped win us the NC in college football. Layne No. 5 because of his great play here plus his great NFL accomplishments.
On the topic, I put Colt and Major tied at #2.
Colt is going to end up with the most wins.

That said, I find all such lists of "top this," "top that," "best this," "best that," an exercise of total meaninglessness.

It's become a national ESPN / CBS Sports thing, and a local thing, and even a Hornfans thing. And I swear I have never felt any sense of accomplishment from it.

We live in a society of so many though-provoking thoughts.. that are no more worthy than staying right at the pub table over the pitcher of beer where they originated. That goes for many film scripts that somehow get form the cafe table in Santa Monica to actual release, when they shoud have stayed right at that table

Kirk Bohls leads the Statesmen group in trivia, and I wish they would devote more time to serious sports discussions. Forget making it entertaining. I am entertained by straight talk.