My TCU friend told me he had grade issues, which is why he wasnt recruited more heavily. His numbers were impressive, I cant imagine another reason for him being over looked by bigger schools.
I do not know much of his stats, but my dad and uncles always speak highly of Warren McVea. He went to San Antonio Brackenridge and UH. I think he played with the Chiefs in the NFL, but not too sure. My uncle played against him in high school in the 60's and said the guy was phenomenal. Not too sure how he would rate, but if you are from the San Antonio area you will know the name.
It is hard to argue with that group, but the state of Texas my friends has had some damn fine RBs. How many years back? You all have named some on this thread that would be hard to keep off, but how about Doak Walker, Steve Worster, Warren McVea, Donnie Anderson, Jimmy Swink, Robert Newhouse, John David Crow, and Chris Gilbert?
"Hall was part of the greatest recruiting class Texas A&M ever had, including such coveted prospects as John David Crow, Jim Stanley, Loyd Taylor, Charley Krueger and Bobby Joe Conrad. It was so good the NCAA slapped the Aggies with a two-year probation. "
IMO, the MOST TALENTED RB (as opposed to most accomplished at all 3 levels) was Warren McVea of SA Brackenridge. He was nothing less than sensational in HS and at Cougar High. Cougar High apparently pampered him so much that it ruined his attitude. It was reported that he didn't leave college early for the pros because he didn't want to take a pay cut.
I seem to remember that, last I heard, he was working at a Jack-in-the Box or somesuch.
Well Zona Horn if you read the title correctly, this list if for RB that played HS football in Texas, college Football carrier and takes into account their NFL carrier. Since Ricky Williams did not play HS football here in Texas He cant be on the list right. I think the Key words are, TEXAS HIGH SCHOOL
Earl and Dickerson should be 1-2 on this list of TX backs and it's just bizarre that Dickerson who should be mentioned as a top 10 all time RB is ranked by some from #3 to # 7 just in-state. Wow.
Peterson will end up in the top 3. These 3 guys along with LT can carry a team to victory for much of their careers.