Top 10 Moments of the Little Debbie Era.

The Jolley Dance during 77-0 was so ******* aggy. When that happened I laughed so hard that I nearly puked.

Fran, we're gonna miss you ol' buddy. Maybe he'll land at Nebraska so at least his shenanigans (franinigans?
) will remain in conference.
I can't believe you left their yearly beatings by Texas Tech off the list. From the blowouts in Lubbock, to the close wins by the Pirates in College station, from Corps Turds squeezing their nuts on national TV, to "sometimes a pirate can beat a soldier" (and this was in the same game!) nothing more vividly illustrated the concept of cognitive dissonance than the Ags' yearly measuring stick shortcomings vs. Texas Tech. Their little Agricultural brains can never fathom how a self proclaimed Top 10 program with facilities, fans and $ out the wazoo can keep losing to Texas Tech.
FYI - the downed bonfire photo is from early 90's, when the bonfire stack fell down. My buddy even has a shirt with this picture with the tagline, "What's the matter, can't keep it up?"

It is not the photo of the '99 bonfire tragedy (which, demonstrated by the previous collapses, was forseeable).
I LOVE that picture of the yell leader hugging McNeal, while McNeal has that "just get it over with" pissed off look on his face. GOLD.
In all the years, I think those two home losses last year in November to Nebraska and OU were the most telling and damaging.

Regardless of all the struggles to get something started under Fran, those two games were to be THE STAND that was to be taken to put that program into an elite competitive level.

The ensuing 12-7 victory over the Horns with a banged up Colt was not even enough to offset those two absolutely disappointing losses.

Win those two games, with a chance to take the Big 12 title, and a lot could be forgotten, and a different '07 might have ensued.
As we kept standing out there, people kept yelling, 'Beat the hell out of the list-eater,'" student Micah Gertson told KBTX-TV of Bryan and College Station, Texas. "As she's up there talking, people started throwing doughnuts at her."

That was pretty funny. I saw visions of listeater getting pelted by donuts as the crowd shouted "beat the hell outta listeater"

Bonfire photo was in 1994.

I was supposed to go to bonfire that year with my hot *** neighbor who was a senior in HS and wound up going to A&M