Tom’s school of thought..

This is ********.
Shane ran quite well in Gilberts system when called upon.
And he is faster than Sam.
No, you shouldn't run him into the line like a fullback.
And Sam won't last long using him like that either.
Herman wants a certain system and Sam fits better because of size only.
But if we continually score less than 30 points a game we are screwed in conference play.
Use a system that fits Shane better and we score more, IMHO.
I want Sterlin Gilbert back.
I don't recollect Shane being very elusive at all. He gets caught after a couple of steps. I think that's why Sam is in. I think there was some stat during the Tulsa game that we've had 15 different combos at oline in the last several games. There's no continuity. It's certainly not 'Bama's oline they're running/throwing behind. So you have to have escapeability in order to survive. I'll go back to the Maryland game at home last year where Shane got drilled twice by (maybe the same) linebacker, ran right up under his nose the first time. It's like he never saw him, never had any idea someone was closing in on him. Sam has that internal clock and somehow gets away from the rush. I agree Shane's a good kid (Mack Brown would love me for saying "good kid") but that doesn't count towards "better chance to win" if he's on his back most of the game. Everyone's right, you put Shane in, and he does something good, well, he did something good, see there, now HE'S the starter. Then he messes up again and everyone misses Sam, etc.
Fair point zucker but if the line and Shane have improved, and our running backs have definitely improved, the loss in run capabilities might be more than made up for in passing capabilities.
The issue is any pass beyond 10 yards is a hope for Sam. Until there is a vertical game that forces double coverage on at least one receiver past 10 yards, the run game will suffer as an LB will be up front and not 10+ pards back chasing the H back or the slot receiver.
I don't know why we keep having this same, stupid argument...(and the fact that we all get so riled up about two mediocre QBs is very telling)
It's painfully obvious...neither is the complete package.
Shane can throw but doesn't provide the leadership this team needs and crumples at first sight of trouble.
Sam can fire the team up, roll with adversity and confidently improvise, but makes poor throws and tries to do too much.
Put them together and we've got our man.
...Maybe it's time to introduce the two-QB set?!?
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It's painfully obvious...neither is the complete package.
Shane can throw but doesn't provide the leadership this team needs and crumples at first sight of trouble.
Sam can fire the team up, roll with adversity and confidently improvise, but makes poor throws and tries to do too much.

Well stated IMO.
Tom was too tough on them at halftime.

That whole line of quotes by Tom was bizarre, and this is from someone who hates the "overanalyze everything the head coach says by interpreting it all in the worst way possible" trend.

So, he thinks they were too comfortable with being up 21-0, so he tried to deal with this by making sure they didn't get complacent, and in doing so, he says in essence he over corrected and got them too tightly wound-up. That part is easily believable.
HOWEVER - for our last possession of the half, we got the ball on our own 20, with 1:17 left and 2 timeouts, and Herman chose to sit on the ball. You can't do that and then say the players were the ones complacent. And if he did try to send a message about complacency after that, then it is little wonder that said message didn't have the desired effect.
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I totally agree with that point Statalyzer. The end of the half had me shaking my head and then I heard him after the game talk about complacency. I’m really trying not to lose confidence in Herman but it’s a struggle. I know he needs to stay one more year at least.
Maybe Herman goes for Sam's brand of leadership, but you know who goes for Shane's? The receivers! Lol

I think Sam is supposed to be the conservative choice. Run to set up the pass. Ball control. But if he turns it over then that pretty much voids that strategy. I don't mind giving him a chance, but you look at his history of turnovers and at some point you need to go with a safer and probably more productive choice IMO