Tommie Harris excretes helmet; gets suspended

Sooner: jumped the gun, stole the land from those who waited until the cannon boom. You university celebrates the cheaters by being referred to as "the Sooners". Hence, you are the dirt burglars or land thieves, depending on our mood at the time.

Raping and pillaging of land and people from the Mexicans or Indians does not figure into the equation of what we call you, as all land here was stolen from the Indians first.
Tommie Harris: bought by the best dollars uo could raise.

What'd he do with the Cadillac Escalade he got there? Did he have to give it back to Big Red when he left, or did he get to keep it?

Nothing quality about the school or any of the cheaters who fill up the football team at that 108th-ranked "educational" institution:

The Link
I've read many of OUE's posts in the past and of all the ou posters he can, at times, sound least like a homer. This is not one of those times. There is no arguing in favor of the sooners in reference to the Land Rush. OUE, you may not hear it in your own posts but you are being a sooner apologist when you try to lump other events in America's past(like the confiscation of Native American lands) with the actions of the land thieves. What they did was flat out wrong. Yes, many other mistakes happened in our history but linking them to the land rush doesn't make the actions of the sooners any less shameful. No one in their right mind would attempt to compare that embarrassing moment in Oklahoma history to Texas gaining it's independence from Mexico. As someone else pointed out, the real puzzle that no outsider will ever be able to understand, is why on earth would a state university tie their school to such a dishonorable event in state history? Surely there is SOMETHING in Oklahoma's history that is positive and honorable that they could draw inspiration from for their school mascot. This is the issue that no one from Oklahoma seems to care to address.
I think OUE is bearing the old injun/Oklahoma grudge dating back to the days of the Republic of Texas when President Lamar kicked almost all the Native Americans out of Texas and into what is now Oklahoma.
That deprived them and their descendants of the honor of being citizens of the Great State of Texas.
"Being that I spent some of my childhood years in Okie schools so I have 1st hand experience"

Forced to do the same myself and still have the physical and emotional scars to prove it.

And, if Oklahoma was going to get an enema, Altus is where the hose would go.
I just scanned over the thread and have a question. Did Tommie Harris get suspended for raping mexicans and stealing land?
As a descendant of Anson Jones, I hate it when people say the Texas revolution was about white people taking land from the mexicans. There were MANY great Tejanos who fought for their independence from an evil dictator. The first vice president of Texas was a Tejano named Lorenzo de Zavala. Another great Tejano was Juan Seguin. Numerous other mexican states rebelled when they saw Santa Ana had come to power. The only other state to gain independence was the Yucatán. I find it amazing that people believe that Texas was the only mexican state that didn't rebel because a dictator had taken over. The flag at the Alamo read 1824, a reference to the constitution of 1824 that Santa Ana abolished. If this was a big white man conspiracy, why did Texas wait so long to join the U.S? People like oue are the reason that the new history books now say the Texas Revolution was over slavery. Just for fun, the current flag of the state of oklahoma was the Choctaw (By the way, I know this because I am part choctaw) Confederate Battle Flag used during the civil war.
I hope both sides of the "OU's mascot is named after the mean ole people who jumped the gun" and "Texas stole land from the Mexicans" arguments are drunk.

Give me a freaking break. The **** that went down in the first half of this country's history is full of appalling might-makes-right atrocities. Arguing whose are worse wastes everyone's time.

It's one thing to make fun of the Sooners as land thieves, but to try to get into a full fledged argument about the Oklahoma land grab and Texas vs. Mexico is just stupid.

Now, OU does definitely suck,
and they do read history from coloring books, but that's only marginally related.
OUE, take a deep breath. You totally misread my earlier post(and maybe I misread yours). It sounded like you were apologizing for the land thieves by saying something to the effect of, " oh yea, well look what y'all did". My reply to that was to say you can't relate the two. Also, I'm fully aware it was the government that took the indian's land.

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