I forgot about the partial qullifiers and county sports schollies. I am still not convinced that B1G helped Nebraska in part because no real edge for out of state B1G talent and Nebraska seemed to get their out of state thugs from Cali. Tenn did not change conferences but schools around them got better. Twenty years ago I just don't remeber Ky, Louisville, Vanderbilt, Memphis, or NC (prior to Mack) being teams that were in the mix for talent. Even Ole Miss and Missouri for a while probably took a bite. Agree, Tenn is different from Nebraska because of the scandal, partial quallifier and geographic isolation are not present in Tenn. However the same lack of talent seems to be present, Nebraska because of the loss of in stae schollies and partial quallifiers and a change of conferences that took away Texas. I dont know if Calli was lost because of PQ or because B1G 10 states wont give up their in state players easily to Lincoln.