Seattle Husker
10,000+ Posts
I have spoken about my experiences at Yale. They have always either been about:
1) How ******* liberal the place is
2) How patronizing the liberals there can be to minorities
3) The "Clarence Thomas" treatment I get from liberals who told me the only reason I got in to Yale was because of affirmative action
4) Providing guidance to posters who's kids are considering the Ivy League.
Again, the Ivy League and Yale specifically frequently come up as topics on West Mall (as do topics dealing with national security and intelligence). I happen to bring a unique perspective to those discussions because I went there. I am proud of my time there, just as much as my time at UT, and just as much as my time in the Navy. You seem to want to marginalize and attack me for it.
There is a search box on the top right corner of the website Husker. Find me an example of whatever the hell you're talking about.
You've mentioned Yale 57 times in your posts (1.4% of your total). I don't have the time or energy to look for examples. Your insight into your experience is insightful, particularly #4. Like Trump's claims, my intention is never to marginalize it but also avoid over-exaggerating it as if it carries some level of intellectual superiority "trump" card. You should be lauded for getting into such an esteemed MBA program.