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TicketCity Offers HornFans Discounts

Agreed - service fees are worse than the seeing the $3 soda on your restaurant tab. If the tickets were marked up higher with no service fee, it would be the same price just wouldn't leave me with a feeling like I just got ripped off... of course the marketing gurus will say they drug me and had me hooked before the service fee because of the lower ticket price.
As a HornFans sponsor, TicketCity often posts special discounts and offers for HornFans members, so be sure to check this board often.Right now, save 5% off any purchase. Just use discont code HOOKEM5http://www.ticketcity.com.

That's good on everything from Horns football to ACL and AC/DC - all events in Austin, and around the world!
The Link
472.TIXX or 1.800.SOLD.OUT
I was thinking about ordering 2 tickets until I noticed the $96 "service charge". What service would that be? Did you hire lawyers to stuff your Fedex envelopes?

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