So is this post coming down to statistics? Are we arguing that the post traumatic stress syndrome levels are acceptable, there really is nothing to worry about?
I don't think that is the case. I think there is a big price we as taxpayers will be paying for many years to treat these various ailments, and the society will bear a cost in the gun crimes, the disenfranchised who will be holding signs on street corners, the family relationship problems, numerous others.
I knew people who came back from VietNam, one hid in a darkened room and would not come out. Lived in the same house as I did-frightening experience. Another time one of my housemates was a VietNam vet-he came back addicted to smoking opium-this wasn't unusual, either. You don't get opium here, so you turn to heroin, cocaine, and when I lived with him, alcohol. Another tragic situation.
I wonder if those guys are ones standing on corners now, or if they are dead, or in jail somewhere. War has horrible unintended effects on society.