This is why people think Obama is a socialist...


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It's great to give the free market its occasional props. It's wonderful that you personally are not actively pushing an overtly socialist agenda. And for all I can tell, I have no doubt that Obama does not fit the profile of the pure socialist - I think he likes capitalism from the standpoint that he wants to make more capital. (I sometimes suspect he'd like to institute "situational" or "geographical" or "socioeconomic" targeted socialism, but that's just a suspicion.But he keeps appointing people with long history of radical stances on everything from race relations to economics to border politics, and he wonders why people suspect that he has a hidden agenda.

Obama Science Czar's radical history

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maybe he changed his mind in the last forty years?

maybe accusing people of being socialist is just right wing paranoia? I can recall Rush Limbaugh calling Clinton a hard line socialist and predicting that the tax raises Clinton got passed with not a single republican vote would for certain destroy the economy. We all know what bad shape the economy was in when Clinton left.
I tend to lean huisache's way. We're busting this guy's balls for something he wrote 40 years ago. (Hell, David Horowitz was a devout Marxist-Leninist 40 years ago.) What does he believe now?
and then there is avowed communist van jones, socialist valerie jarrett, terrorist buddy ayers, et al. obama is no fan of the u.s. in its pure form by any means.
Foxx was probably picked because BO needed "cabinet diversity" never mind that he's totally unqualified for the position.

When your tallying nutball nominees for BO's cabinet, don't forget Thomas Perez for labor. They don't get any more radical than him.
It's not just his appointees. It's also his influences.

I suspect his sympathies are further left than socialism.
I echo the thanks Zork
I can't believe there are still people including some on here who continue to spout that lie.

thanks for taking the time to post a credible explanation
another reason obama is a socialist
"I am just here to spread the wealth around"
"at some point i believe you have made enough money"

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