Obama's accomplishments for vets:
Withdrawal of troops from Iraq
A new agreement with Karzai to begin withdrawal from Afghan.
Implementation of of the e-Records system to provide service members with an electronic health records system that will follow them from the day they put up their hands to serve until the day they die to help them get their much-deserved benefits.
Increased funding for improvements in VA hospitals (remember the Walter Reed scandal that surfaced in 2007?
Authorized construction of additional health centers to care for veterans.
Ordered the Pentagon to cover expenses of families of fallen soldiers if they wish to be on site when the body arrives back in the US.
Ended the Bush-era “blackout” imposed on media coverage of the return of fallen US soldiers.
Ended the Bush-era “black out” policy on media coverage of war casualties.
Ended the Bush-era practice of awarding “no-bid” defense contracts.
Ordered better body armor to be procured for US troops.
Signed Korean War Veterans Recognition Act (July 27, 2009)
Signed Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act (Oct 22, 2009)
Funded new Mine Resistant Ambush Vehicles (to strengthen previouly vulnerable Humvees from IEDs, a problem that had gone on since Iraq began)
Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel .
Improving housing for military personnel.
Signed Military Spouses Residency Relief Act.
Expanded veterans’ reimbursement for non-VA emergency care.
Initiated a new policy to promote federal hiring of military spouses.
Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the military to a post-Cold War, modern fighting force. (Bush announced in 2001 his intention to do this but backed off the reforms after 9/11, which include: new procurement policies; increasing the size of Special Ops units; deploying new technologies; creating new cyber security units; etc.)
Suspended the Bush-era decision to purchase a fleet of Marine One helicopters from foreign suppliers in favor of American-made helicopters.
"Don't ask, don't tell"
Supports for blinded veterans (April 7, 2010); improvements in services for blind veterans; established Major Charles R. Soltes Blind Rehabilitation Center within the Department of Veterans Affairs (Damn! More big govt bureaucracy!)
Increased cost-of-living adjustment and compensation for veterans.
The New GI Bill for returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Signed bill providing assistance for caregivers of veterans wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan (2010); signed Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act.
Eliminated co-payments for veterans who are catastrophically disabled.
Established enforcements for minimum essential care for veterans.
Established a new interagency task force to assist veterans owning small businesses.
Signed The Families of Fallen Heroes Act, which covers the moving costs of immediate family members of those lost in service (military, intelligence, and security personnel).
Signed the For Vets Act.
Measures to help prevent military families and vets from losing their homes.
Proposal to offer tax breaks for businesses that hire unemployed Iraq/Afghanistan veterans; job training support for Iraq/Afghan vets.
Signed Restoring GI Bill Fairness Act.
All of this in a little over three years.
And I ain't shittin' you, Rex.
So what does your guy have?