This guy in my office is drunk again....

Goodness, sounds like you are in real trouble.
I don't have near the annoyances at work as you.

I have come in a few times still drunk but I just left when one of my co-workers said I smelled like a liquor cabinet.
I do realize that this seems a little over-the-top, but I swear on my mother's life this is not made up. I haven't even gotten into some of the other things he does/has done. I was just in Tombstone all weekend, having requested the time off a month ago, but everyone else was required to come in, being last week to sign and all. He didn't show up, didn't call. He's in today, currently dozing at his desk. Trust me, I wish I were making it up. I wish to God I didn't have to sit and deal w/ this peice of **** every day all day.
I just took a picture of him w/ my cell phone. I can't post it, because photo-hosting websites are blocked here. Somebody PM me your email address and I'll send it you so you can post it. Seriously!
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i should have said that the story sounds unbelievable and not a steaming pile of ********!! my apologies to the op.
i most certainly did owe an apology. just received a photo of subject via e-mail from txboy.
black on black and sure looks the part!!
Actually, his dad is gay. He always used to talk about his dad's "roommate". Then there were times he would say that his dad's roommate is gay. Then one day, he slipped and said "partner" instead of roommate.
Does this guy somehow create value that no one else can?

If his father isn't Mr. Countrywide and the management told you to mind your own business, I'd consider two things:

1) They know and are dealing with it. They are firing him but doing it through HR. (Collecting a work history, maybe a few bad reviews, etc.)


2) As a poster described earlier, this current position is the "promotion" from a former group. If this is the case, I'd take a look around to make sure you're not in the group of slackers that the company has given up on, where the workers are trading time for money as they punch keys.
i don't see what is so unbelievable about the story. i work at a company where it is almost impossible to get fired without looking at porn in your cube. sounds like CW is the same way.

all it takes is one manager that can't deal, or won't deal, with conflict and these type of workers can keep their jobs for years.
Didi Praise of Folly move to AZ?
In either case, this reminds me of a King of the Hill episode where Hank had trouble firing a crack head.
Yeah, I want to see this pic too.

Dont worry about this guy, when you are the manager you will be able to fire him or at least know why you cant fire him.
As I said earlier, if you PM me your email address, I'd be glad to send it to you and maybe you can post it, but I can't access photo-hosting websites here.
you do have another option.

Either start documenting everything yourself (including pictures and audio of slurred speech if possible) and present that in a lump to your senior manager.

OR (maybe AND) present the fact that this guy coming in drunk represents a serious danger to yourself and fellow employees when he is driving to and from the parking lot before and after work.

You have a right to a safe work environement, and even though you work in an office, the moment your drunkard co-worker gets in his car, hes just become a massive danger to you.

If senior management ignores you or pushes it to the side, take it to HR. Do not under any circumstances present it like, "hes not doing his job". Present it as a "concerned" coworker worried that your drunk may have a dependancy problem that may literally be killing him. present your concern to HR letting them know his behavior in the office is started to get very worrisome and that it "seemed" like he "fainted" or lost consciousness as he sat in his chair yesterday.
I'm very condifident it will be mine when the current manager leaves, but with the kind of money he has been making for the last few years, he is kind of reluctant to do so. He's almost 70 and his wife has been retired for a couple of years, but he is still going strong. Not that I blame him!
I don't know what the big deal is about having a few cocktails before heading into work. You know, just to take the edge off. Sheesh, y'all need to lighten up.
I'm getting sucked in.

Someone please post the pics.

Maybe you should start mimicking him and start wearing black shirts with ties. Also, do your other coworkers notice this. Not your manager but who you consider your work friends? Do they think he's crazy too, or does everyone other than you not notice him?
Oh yea, the girl next to me, who is a friend of mine, and even the new girl, notices it. All of the loan officers on the other side of the office also come over and make comments about it. It's like I said before, he is the joke of the office. A while back, I would try to come up w/ things to do and see if he'd copy them. I'd roll my sleeves up and back down, even take my tie off in the middle of the day. He followed every time.

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