Things that need a taser!


500+ Posts
When you're voted off a reality show, you get tasered! Can you imagine the suspense that would build?
Instead of points docked off, your professor gets to taser you in front of the class for turning in your paper late.
Toaster thieves get tasered.
my junk
people who dont turn right on red when they have their right blinker on, or even if they dont. drag them out and taser them right in the middle of the intersection.
I would clap.
Give people waiting to get into an awesome standing room only concert, to get a new Wii-type game, or the DPS the option to immediately go to the front of the line when they walk in the door.....if they get front of everyone.
Everyone on this board should be tasered. Stand in a long line, taser the poster next to you and pass it along
1. people who sag their pants <tasered>
2. people who wear their hat crooked <tasered>
3. people who cut in line at the ferry <tasered>
4. drivers who always seem to have a blinker on <tasered>
5. old people @ slot machines in casinos on oxygen <tasered>
People who drop a deuce in a public restroom and walk right out the door without washing their hands. That actually deserves a taser-whipping first.
people that bump their 6 week old threads to see how many star-rated threads they can get on the first page.

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