There is so much terrorism now

I think you are right, '
~50k religious zealots could be trying to spark the other 1.6B Muslims to join in. "
Although IMO the number of zealots is in millions.

Interesting whiney article in NYTimes today . The writer, Anne Barnard, laments on the seeming lack of outrage and compassion for the people in muslim countries murdered by islamists, no hashtags like #prayforIraq, no flying of Iraqi flags etc. She quoted muslims whining that " no one cares about us. They hypocrisy in the western world is strong."

These Muslim whiners apparently don't think to ask where the outrage is in muslim majority countries of which there are many considering there are 1.6 Billion muslims in the world. What action are any of these muslim countries taking, both symbolic and actual to counter the muslim against muslim attacks in muslim countries?

Muslims definitely need to take a larger role. You have local Imams speaking out but that's not enough. The stratification of the religion is a challenge in this regard. Unlike Christianity which centralizes control in it's various sects, Islam appears to be completely grassroots. That make is near impossible to stem.

I think the Arab Spring unleashed Islam. The only thing holding it back were these despotic dictators that feigned religion but were really secular. If only we could go back to the days of propping up these dictators and turning a blind eye to their transgressions. That's a serious statement.
Muslims definitely need to take a larger role. You have local Imams speaking out but that's not enough. The stratification of the religion is a challenge in this regard. Unlike Christianity which centralizes control in it's various sects, Islam appears to be completely grassroots. That make is near impossible to stem.

I think the Arab Spring unleashed Islam. The only thing holding it back were these despotic dictators that feigned religion but were really secular. If only we could go back to the days of propping up these dictators and turning a blind eye to their transgressions. That's a serious statement.

Husker, you and Trump are in agreement:
I know, it creeps me out that Trump and I are in agreement that Iraq was better off with Sadam. ;)

Of course, unlike Trump, I espoused that viewpoint before the war started.

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