I love that I35 has come back from a vacation apparently spent basking in the rays of the Daily Kos.
News arcs and media attention are a fickle thing. I know that the race issue looms large in the minds of our favorite right and left leaning yap dogs, but there is more to it than that. I mean, the media has a sense of timing, it would seem, and they follow our lead.
Why hasn't the Arizona case gotten more attention? Why haven't most of the killings connected with these insane gun laws gotten more attention? Why did it take so long for the Martin/Zimmerman case to come to light?
The OK case I noted above, which had some overt racial baggage and multiple killings over a number of years has not been picked up on the national wires.
To a lesser degree, the case of the military vet shot on a playground in Fla has not really gotten alot of national attention.
Maybe it's just that America is used to stories that involve idiots and their beloved guns. Fatigue sets in pretty quickly.