The State of Texas Spirits

Rebecca Creek is a chick's whiskey, and I do not mean that as an insult. It's really really smooth and soft on the palate because they add about 30% of the Enchanted Rock Vodka into the whiskey. That's why they have to call it "spirit whiskey" and cannot use the term "bourbon". But at any rate, because of how soft it is women who don't typically like whiskey straight can usually enjoy this one, thus my moniker for it.
The Temptryst rum is made by a man in Driftwood named Daniel Watson. It is not in production, but let me tell you this, and I say it without reservation: every last variety of rum he makes is out of your mind crazy good. I have been privileged to taste several of his spirits (he also has scotch, bourbon, and other spirits he has made in experimental/developmental quantities) and they simply blew me away.

I don't know if Daniel is going to put his rum, scotch or any other product on the retail market or not. But I do know he consistently wins top prizes at national and international tastings in which he enters his product. If you ever have the chance to taste his stuff, do not, I repeat, do NOT even ******* think about passing it up. What that man produces makes other distillers go like this...
It has been almost seven years since I posted this, and finally, finally this distillery looks like it will begin construction in the near future, and hopefully, will have commercial product at retailers within a year or so.

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