The Secret War

Will need a day to read that, and I really am impressed with the web-design there. Have not seen images displayed like that. Nifty.
Musburger always gets the hard-hitting news stories. You can tell by his posts that he watches The View on a daily basis to keep informed and current. Keep up the good work Mus.
Movies to see....

EQUILIBRIUM, 2002, Christian Bale
BRAZIL, 1983, Jonathan Pryce, Robert DeNiro
THE LIVES OF OTHERS (Das Leben der Anderan), 2006
EAGLE EYE, 2008, Shia LaBeouf, Michelle Monaghan
SEVEN DAYS IN MAY, 1964, Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas

Footnote: Reading recently that the Founders for the most part began their classical training at age eight, whether under direction of public grammar schoolmasters or private tutors. They didn't just read about the classics -- they were translating from Greek and Latin.

It is said only the poorest areas lacked such grammar schools, and Massachusetts law required every town to maintain one. The students studied classics every morning from eight to eleven and every afternoon from one until dark. (notes from "The Founders and the Classics, by Carl J. Richard 1994, Harvard U. Press).

So there's the contrast... those chaps drafted the Constitution with lessons from antiquity firmly in their mind regards abuses of political power. They sought to draft a constitution with iron chains on a government to limit political power as much as possible.

But what did they know, right?

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