The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Terminator 3

Did future John Connor have anything to do with the "design" of T-hottie? Or was she designed by Skynet then reprogrammed?

If the former, he could have made her his girl -- Stepfordanator.

If the latter, seems like he could still add in some interesting programs before he sent her back. Otherwise, why send back a girlbot at all?

And just how anatomically correct would a Terminator need to be? They dont actually need to go potty so maybe not too much. Its kinda funny to think of Arnold equipped like a GI Joe doll.
The rebels dont have the means to make their own, correct? They are just trying to live day to day, not running a manufacturing R&D center. If so, then the most they might do is capture one and reprogram it. No way to customize the looks (i.e., no clone of his real life love (Claire Danes character) who died tragically or whatever). Which would suggest the possibility at least that John Connor fell for a machine.
Actually, if Skynet was smart, it would just send it's technology back in time to another country besides the U.S. (like Russia)

I doubt John Connor's band of rebels would be able to book a post-apocalypic international flight to get at Skynet.
I'm a fan of the first two films and I like this show so far. It's very entertaining. I didn't like the third film very much. It had a few moments, but that was about it.

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