The Romney meltdown...

I give Obama credit for authorizing the killing of Bin Laden. Now give Bush credit for his intelligence policies that led to the find.

Saying the Iraq war was based on lies is just foolish. Was the intelligence wrong? Yes but did most agree SH had WMDs? Yes. SH did a great job of creating this falsehood as his way of keeping his enemies in the Middle East in fear. SH was paranoid but a master of manipulation.
Rog, as a Veteran, your comments make no sense whatsoever.

1) The SEALs and intel professionals got Bin Laden...not The Chosen One.

2) As also a former intelligence officer with a specialization in collection management and counter-terroism, UBL was a known threat to the intel community/FBI for decades...even before the 93 WTC bombing. He was No. 1 on the FBI most wanted list when Bush took office and it was known he wanted to attack the US, maybe DC for some time. What the intel community didn't know was their hijacking/suicide jetliner MO, the specific targets, or potential dates. This is the August 2001 Declassified PDB. The report mentions intel from 1998 that UBL potentially was interested in hijacking airplanes, a very common terrorists tactic in the 1980s and 90s, and surveillance of "federal buildings" in NYC (not WTC). Intel such as this in the summer of 2001 would not have been enough to fortify the Towers against a suicide jetliner attack, or even to suggest the Towers would be a target in the next 4 weeks, or the Towers would have been attached by suicidal jetliner hijackers. The failure was the decades long deterioration of HUMINT resources (like Guantanamo) to get us actionable intel. But, hey...just blame Bush right.

3) There's a big difference from making an incorrect call that you think would have made the country safer in a world that's now more dangerous due to asymmetric regional threats...vs lying. No one has been able to explain what motive Bush would have to lie about this. It makes no sense. The facts are, Bush was convinced that Iraq had WMD, Saddam wanted the US to think they had WMD..dodging and stifling UNMOVIC and wanted to eventually rebuild his program, castor bean production, precursors to ricin, was exponentially more than what would be consumed by their economy, etc. Rog, you're way over your skis on this one.

I'm not conceding anything. Again, here's all you need to know about Obama and his leadership philosophy as The Commander in Chief of our men and women in uniform.

From no less than John Stewart and the Daily Show.
Yep. Fear.

Btw, Al Qqueda is alive and well. Everyone's happy bin Laden's dead but the organization he put his effort into is alive and well.

Poor job of handling foreign affairs, the past 4 years. I'll be glad when the change is complete

Don't waste your time talking to Rog. He is either a 15 year old pimple face or old liberal candy ***. His posts are so far from reality.

Btw thank you for your service.
Hahaha Roger spiked the ball on the 5 yard line again. Obama didn't come any closer to winning the debate than he did the truth. He looked desperate at best, not presidential at all. Romney fenced Obama in several times. All Obama had
left was lies. Nothing new.The Link

As to the auto bail outs Obama got all confused about The Link

So when Joe Wilson said of Obama, "You lie," clearly he got to know him better than the rest of us. That is all the man can do.
Ex2000- it must really bother you to have had to fight for a Lie. A war that didn't need to happen. Basically for nothing other than corporate interests. Probably not
Now that the fact checkers have proven most of obamas illusions to be flat out lies who do you think won last night?

Never mind......OBAMA! I know.
pretty scary that there are actually people who think the man who is by the number the worst financial president in the history of our country has earned 4 more years to skull fvck us into a deep depression and economic collapse. way to go guys.
Holy **** Roger, what a meltdown you will have when Romney wins with an easy victory. Polls are showing Romney winning by about 6 points on total averages which really means Romney is winning by about 11 pts. History supports this. Rog, I'm just trying to save you from this......
on Nov 6th.
can we agree that both of them suck? just because one is bad does not mean the other one is any good, right?

Did they talk about Mexico at all? At all? Why not? It is this big market right next door that needs some help from us on drug policy to avoid being turned into Sicily and we need help from them to avoid becoming their toilet in perpetuity re their least employable, least educated citizens.

NOt of any concern to the Ivies on Parade was it? How about those of us in Texas? Oh yes, we are of interest as a place to raise campaign funds for the stupid dishonest 30 second shorts they run everywhere else.

Pizz on both of them. I'm voting Libertarian again as a protest.
excuse me but romney has taken contrary stands on every matter that has come up in the last year and has done so repeatedly, so we don't have any idea what he believes or will do about much of anything.

As for our country not being a loser, how is it that we keep electing incompetent jerks like Obama, W, Clinton? Or throwing out the one knowledgable, competent, good one we had in the last thirty years

Romney is a pig in a poke and the idea that running an outfit like bain has anything to do with running a steam engine empire is like saying the night manager at McDonalds can run Exxon.

They are both arrogant Ivy League jerks.

ANd for you righties, how is it that you are going to put the military in the hands of a guy who during our generation's war, hid out in France trying to convert the frogs to Mormonism and didn't get one of them to bite.

He will be no better than the current Ivy megalomaniac.

In four years you will reject him, claim he is not a true conservative and that your narrow minded obsessions were not well served------just like you did with your previous darling, W.

As someone posted on another thread, it sure looks like Romney could have had advance knowledge of this breaking news. >why rock the boat when there's a tsunami headed for Obama?

Looking back, it was Romney eating a hot dog in the 4th quarter of a game, his cheering section yelling "WTF" and Romney knew all along the smartest thing he could do, at that moment, was STFU and watch the raging flood sweep away the current administration.

Like I've'll be interesting to find WHO released these emails...If it was a Clinton sympathizer, all the better. "Throw ME under the bus, senor? NOOOO, throw YOU under the bus (Born in East LA reference)

Can just hear the phone call now...."Hello, Gov Romney? My name is John Doe, please check your email box. I work with the State Dept and this will be released 24 hours after the debate" click

Or, it would be a scene out of Trading Places...."Thank you Beaks! Thank you!! Merry Christmas!!

sorry, having fun here

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