Again- in this thread I am not talking about my tax burden at all, I'm talking about what others pay.
The point I am making is that I think it would be better if everyone paid some manner of FIT, b/c if they did then everyone would understand and realize government programs are not free, even if they are free to them, and everyone would be more involved and locked into the system. I think this would lead to greater accountability from our politicians and perhaps better government. i'm not saying shift the burder from me to the poor by lowering my taxes, I'm saying make the poor pay some too so they are invested in the system and have some ownership of the decision making process.
You said my lifestyle requires a poor underclass and I think that is totaly and complete, unadulterated nonsense. Of course not everyone is going to make the same amount of money, in general people are paid by their value creation to society, uniqueness (difficulty to replace with someone more or less as good as them at what they do) and skill set.
If you want everyone to make the same amount of money then sign me up to teach, or be a courier, or deliver pizza's (but courier is way better) or wait tables or something like that b/c it would be a hell of a lot less stressful then life right now for me.
That's not the way society works, nor is it the way that it should, b/c then NOTHING would get done. My lifestyle, however, does not need to rely on a working poor- in fact I (and many others who make good money) do a fantastic job of creating wealth for others. Be it the maid that makes $20.00 an hour cleaning my house or the yard guy who makes $30.00 an hour cleaning my house or the valet at my favorite restaurant that gets $5.00 for parking my car all of these people are better off for having associated with me (not to mention my 5 employees) economically. I know this b/c they would not do what they do otherwise if this were not the case.
Personally, I wish people didn't have to work at McDonalds and had initiative to do other things, b/c I think by and large it's a chump job for the pay. If enough other people did other things then they'd have to pay better and it ain't such a chump job (like in areas at the oil patch where they are making like 14 or 15 an hour- good for them- it's probably worth working there for that wage).
As to the idea that people can't pull themselves up I just have a much more optimistic view of america then that. If you have any spark of life and match that with a work ethic the sky is literally the limiit for you. There are some with low native intelligence, lack of skills etc who the world isn't open to as much as you or I, but that doesn't mean we should quit on them. For them there should (and is) a social safety net through the government (which I fund) and charity (which I fund), so that nobody has to go to bed hungry. It's a moral imperative for me to try to make the world a better place, b/c I truly believe that who God blesses with much God entrusts much in the way of responsibility and I try to live my life this way.
Again, I'm not (nor ever have been on this thread) talking about my tax burden (besides a throaway line in the beginning that I wouldn't complain if my taxes are lowerd) I'm saying everyone should pay something so everyone is emotionally invested. I don't think it's good to have 50 something percent of the population not paying FIT.
I wish, for the benefit of the poor, that social security reform privitizing and creating personal accounts could have been passed in some form b/c this would create an investment vehicle for the working poor through which they could create wealth and pass it on at a greater level then they ever have. The government could have helped them do "rich people things" with their money and made their life better. It didn't happen and a pox on everyone's head who is responsible for that.
I think it's criminal how the democratic party is so intent on keeping people poor. It's not compassion it's crass political calculation. I really and truly wish we could have someone combine a heart for helping with some compassion with a modicum of economic sense and they could be given some real power.
Guys like Bill Gates are doing beautiful things in this world to help the poor- I wish government could say the same (either party).