The Popular Vote

If Wasserman Schulz and the rest of the DNC had not rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders, chances are pretty good he would have been the Dem nominee.

If Clinton hadn't been the anointed one from the get-go, other candidates would have jumped into the mix. The nominee would have been someone like Biden or Kaine or Webb or O'Malley or maybe someone few of us have ever heard of. Without his pet issue -- "the election is rigged!!" -- Sanders never would have gained any traction.
If Clinton hadn't been the anointed one from the get-go, other candidates would have jumped into the mix. The nominee would have been someone like Biden or Kaine or Webb or O'Malley or maybe someone few of us have ever heard of. Without his pet issue -- "the election is rigged!!" -- Sanders never would have gained any traction.

I agree that the primary reason for Bernie Sander's success is that he was able to coalesce the anti-HRC sentiment. Without HRC, he would have had to compete with more charismatic candidates.
He's the President. However, his Russian ties and how that all unfolds will be his undoing over the next 48 months. That's where I infer the actual legitimacy issues coming from. Specifically, from those leaving the classified briefings on the Hill last week. I'm inferring that much of the hoopla around HRC from the FBI related to investigation work product and work process while they're finally being told what FBI/CIA/etc. investigative work product and work process were kept under wraps (FISA warrant?) because of confidentiality concerns.
If Clinton hadn't been the anointed one from the get-go, other candidates would have jumped into the mix. The nominee would have been someone like Biden or Kaine or Webb or O'Malley or maybe someone few of us have ever heard of. Without his pet issue -- "the election is rigged!!" -- Sanders never would have gained any traction.

I agree that the primary reason for Bernie Sander's success is that he was able to coalesce the anti-HRC sentiment. Without HRC, he would have had to compete with more charismatic candidates.
You guys are both correct. I looked at it from the perspective of the candidates who DID get in the race despite Hillary's pre-ordained status, while your analysis focuses on what could have happened absent Hillary's pre-ordainment. I think the overarching point is still that the D's did this to themselves by essentially ceding the nomination to Hillary way in advance, thus quashing true competition in the primary.

And even with all that in her favor, an old, washed up avowed socialist still almost beat her. That should have set off major, major alarm bells in Democrat circles, but apparently it did not.
Of course you will support it -- it favors candidates you like. The electoral college reduces the influence of large urban centers, which are inevitably more liberal, and increases the influence of rural states, which are inevitably more conservative. Thus, the electoral college can help a conservative win the presidency (like it did this year), but it will never help a liberal win.
That is exactly why I like the Electoral College.
I don't think that is the reason people are say that Trumo is not a legit president. The constitution clearly states that the President is selected by the vote of the electoral college. I don't know why that is, or if the reason it is still exists, but that is what it is. The reason I have heard for the "not legit" is the facts regarding the involvement of the Russian influence on the election and the possible collusion of the Trump campaign with the Russians. We do not know the details, and may never know. Comey did not bother to tells us about this, yet he inserted himself into the election 11 days before election day and probably swung the results to Trump.

The popular vote should call attention to another major problem. The Dems collected almost 3 million more votes than the Repubs, yet the Repubs have more than a 40 seat majority in the House. The house is supposed to represent the population as a whole. It does not. How can we say we have a democracy, which is one person one vote. The president and the Senate are not supposed to represent the people as whole, the House is supposed to. Look at our great state. We have 36 house seats, 25 are held by Repubs and 11 by Dems. That is 69% are Repub while only 31 are Dem, that is not representative of the voter who are allowed to participate in elections. This may be OK with you if you benefit from it, Can you change it back to a Democratic system of government when it swings to the other side? The attempt is to keep it the way it is by denying millions of people the right to vote, using voter suppression based on bogus claims of illegal voting. There is absolutely no evidence of illegal voting other than a few isolated cases.

Be honest. You're only ***** is that your party is getting its *** kicked currently because it supports men in women's bathrooms, huge deficits, justice-involved individuals, welfare for the un-needy, quotas, stupid ideas such as "diversity is good" despite the overwhelming evidence that it creates problems, wealth transfer from those that have earned it to those that have not put in the work, the "biologically illiterate" and their goofy parades and cakes, anti-Christian stances, no borders, multiculturalism, voter fraud they want to keep by fighting against simple and easy to enact voter I.D. laws, PC speech/anti-speech, criminals instead of the police, and an economic system that has repeatedly failed in other parts of the world.
He's the President. However, his Russian ties and how that all unfolds will be his undoing over the next 48 months. That's where I infer the actual legitimacy issues coming from. Specifically, from those leaving the classified briefings on the Hill last week. I'm inferring that much of the hoopla around HRC from the FBI related to investigation work product and work process while they're finally being told what FBI/CIA/etc. investigative work product and work process were kept under wraps (FISA warrant?) because of confidentiality concerns.
Wow. You may be correct. They may find out that a Russian hooker urinated on the Donald.:rolleyes1:

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