The NRA is responsible for 12 more deaths

Outlawing guns will definitely stop gun violence...just like outlawing drugs has stopped people from using drugs.

I think we all (including Roger) can at least agree that fundamentally we want to be in a less violent culture. As far as guns, I just don't equate the fundamental motivations of the perpetrators of that violence (from bullying, assaults, armed robberies, suicides, terrorism, to lone gunman massacres, etc.) to The gun.
I'm a big believer in the 2nd amendment but I would like to see some tighter regulation on gun sales. I'm not crazy about the idea of this ammunition being bought on Ebay. It seems like there should be licensing, regulation, and oversight governing such sales. I mean, this guy was clearly stockpiling with a destructive purpose. Then again, I'm not sure what a bureaucrat would have done about it.
It's like the one-way versus round trip analysis of an airplane hijacker. Why do they care about the extra cost? Either run up the credit cards or just steal the ammo. Someone likely to die in the act or at best, receive life in prison could care less. Doubt many doing 99 to life are Lifelock members....
So Bloomberg was on today talking about how there has been such a surge in gun violence in NYC. But that's impossible, as Bloomberg has passed very stringent anti-gun laws and made it much more difficult for people to obtain weapons. This clearly is impossible since tougher gun laws equal less gun crime. Right?
The AAA is responsible for this. Clearly, the truck crash would have killed less people if we were to have limited the capacity on the truck bed. The high capacity of the bed begged to have as many people in the back prior to the killing. Why isn't Bloomberg on TV about this?
It should probably be understood that gun control debates should not be guided by the emotions that follow a mass killing.

It should probably also be understood that there are disturbing aspects to America's love affair with guns and that there are likely ways to address those issues that don't involve the extreme of taking guns away from people or outlawing gun ownership.

The NRA is helmed by zealotry. Finding a way to scale back their clout would probably do us all some good.

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