The NRA is responsible for 12 more deaths

How many guns were used in the 9/11 attacks? The OKC bombing? Crazy people will find a way to kill other people. Its been that way since the beginning of time.

Even if you wanted to do something about gun ownership, what would you do? Go door to door trying to collect the millions of gun out there? Then, lets say that you actually do manage to get every gun off the street. Literally every last one. What is to keep illegal guns from coming into the us and into the hands of criminals? We arent exactly doing a great job of keeping drugs from pouring through our border. What makes you think that we would be any better at doing the same thing with guns?
Were it not for the NRA, I probably wouldn't have the weapons that I have which would allow me to stop a loony like James Holmes should I ever be robbed, burgled, or threatened with bodily harm.

It's sad that 12 people died and that all the rest of those folks are injured. I pray for the families of the deceased and for the soul of James Holmes. But occasional large scale, horrific violence is the price we seemingly have to pay so that good citizens who want only to protect themselves from the James Holmes' of the world may do so relatively unencumbered.

And, ultimately, my guns help protect me from the threat of tyranny from my government. So there's that.
Here we go again. Both sides line up with your arguments, the biggest idiocy being we can blame the NRA or manufacturer.

How about we realize the real problem is mental illness and how we raise kids today?
The NRA is not at fault for these deaths.

There is certainly some common sense legislation that could inhibit acts like these. An AR15 with a 100 round clip? Purchasing 6000 rounds of ammo online?
I agree SH.

And, I guess I am going to have to start packing when I go to the Alamo from now on. Of course I will be pretty tipsy if the attack occurs near the end of the movie.
More people were shot and/or wounded in Chicago in the last month than were killed in the theater. Most were gang related. Do you suppose a single one of those guns was legally purchased? You can make all the guns laws you want, but you are not going to stop people from killing.

If the guy in Colorado had not had guns, it would seem with his knowledge of explosives he might have blown up the theater.
We have made drugs illegal yet I could get enough to kill an elephant in 15 minutes. What makes you think that we would be any better at keeping illegal weapons out of the hands of criminals? We just arent very good at this type of thing. I have a feeling that it would take a lot of time and money yet make us no more safe.

People always want to make this topic into a philosophical argument when in reality it is a logistical nightmare.
Holmes isn't a member of the NRA, btw. And I agree with BI. I own a pistol, a single bolt rifle and an AR-15. None of these have ever been pointed at a person. I hope they never have to be.

This crime is an awful tragedy but the shooter is directly responsible, not "gun owners" or the NRA. (And no, I'm not a member either).
We are one of the most violent societies in human history. Certainly the most violent "civilized" society. It aint the guns.
The OP is a walking ******* cliche and a cartoon character.

I dont own a gun or have ever been a member of the NRA. I just joined after reading this choads retarded post
A dozen people die in a senseless act of violence, and your have no idea what caused this.

This could have been prevented if this individual's parents took greater interest in their son's life, if this individual's friends and classmates were actually good friends and followed up with him following the life altering event of leaving school, if this individual's neighbors were know neighborly, and took interest in the happenings/safety/and the people in their community. Guns aren't killing people in this country. People no longer have compassion, no sense of loyalty, and most importantly, no sense of responsibility as a a friend, as a neighbor. The lack of personal decency and real relationships are what's really behind this...what's really killing us.

Instead you take the sophomoric view that guns are responsible for this. It's easy to make devastating bombs and chemical weapons out of household goods. What are we going to do about household goods? And whether you chose to accept this or not, the fact is gun ownership is the very final/last bit of real liberty man has in society. An individual may be robbed at home, mugged on the street at knifepoint/gunpoint, targeted by a vehicle, victim of a kidnapping, may be a victim of a terrorist bombing, may be the target of a terrorist hijacking, may have to defend his property from intruders from outside the country who bring their own name it gun laws be dammed. And I guarantee you that during those critical seconds when your life is in the balance, the police/the Government will not be there to protect you...they are not our personal bodyguards and can't be with everyone everywhere all the time. Man has a right to defend himself in those seconds, with deadly force if necessary, from whatever threats exists to himself. You take that away, then we have no rights any longer.

While I enjoy sport and target shooting for cathartic reasons and respect them as historical relics of heroes who fought for our freedom in the Pacific and Europe, I will say I would certainly welcome the day the gun industry goes out of business...but as a victim of their own success, not as a victim of sophomore reasoning.
With or without the NRA, I don't think there would have been much difference -- maybe just magazine capacity. I don't think in this case there was a previous pattern of criminal behavior that would have made him ineligible for sidearms, rifles and shotguns that we had before the NRA and well have after them should we be lucky enough for the organization to someday go away. I think we should have more restrictons and controls on firearms, but not to the point that someone with no criminal history would be prohibited from purchasing hunting weapons and sporting pistols.
Oh I love this game! Parceling out blame! Fun. Let' see. One of the leading causes of death in this country--driving--took 34,000 lives last year. THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND! And just a few years ago it was well over 40k. How many of those can we peg on GM? Ford? How about the evil highway lobby--surely they are responsible for at least 10,000? As for the 20,000 people that died in falls--anyone up for a class action lawsuit against Acme Ladder Co.?

Whenever there is a headline event involving guns people get hysterical and demand gun control. Yet THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND people die in auto accidents and no one seems to have a problem with that. While the events in Colorado are terrible and tragic, Americans and our media have a serious problem with arithmetic, and therefore do not understand risk. This leads to very unfortunate policies such as fanatical gun control, yet it's perfectly legal in many jurisdictions for a 16 year old to barrel down a wet highway at 70mph balancing a cell phone in one hand and a Big Mac in the other.
If only King George had tighter gun control laws. Just think of how many lives could have been saved if there were no American Revolution.
Roger brings up two good points.

First, he reminds us that this country is being crippled by the increasing desire to shrug off blame and responsibility, so we can all feel like we're innocent and not allowed to reap what we sow.

Second, he proves once again that he's easily defeated by logic and reason (edited to remove warranted personal attack).

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