The non producers/leeches favorite time of year

I'm sorry but I don't see the point in comparing private charities to government entities. One must get their money through their own fundraising or donations. The other through taxation. I say buyer beware in either case.
Those were some pretty prominent charities listed on the link, particularly the Gospel to the Unreached Millions (GUM). Good job in cherry picking the worst/most corrupt charities to try and bolster your opinion.
no, I don't. Which is why I made clear it was a list of bad ones.

The point is, good folks like HHD often have a "private good, public bad" caveman mentality. Meanwhile, plenty of private charities suck, and hundreds if not thousands of private businesses fail every day.
so Ag, you "think" you know how much Obama donated?

I "think" I know how many times you cheated on your wife. We can take average adultery rates and apply them to your marriage, right?

And by the way, how much did Mrs. Obama earn?

And how much did YOU contribute to charity? More, or less than Obama...because if it's less, he's obviously a "better" person by your standard, right?
I don't want to jump into the Jesus debate, but I do want to ask why conservatives so revere Ronald Reagan.

I ask because he was the architect of the earned income tax credit.

Some of his other hits included:

* amnesty for illegal immigrants,
* withdrawing troops from Lebanon after the attack on the marines,
*raising taxes after recognizing that the initial tax cuts would not be sufficient to cover government expenses , which includes but is not limited to: significantly raising payroll taxes to restore social security and raising gasoline prices.
* Added one of the largest government agencices (department of veterans' affairs)

I may be barking up the wrong tree, and find that none the conservative posters here are Reagan fans for the reasons mentioned, but it is a curiosity to me.
Ronald Reagan was certainly not without flaws or mistakes. He had plenty of both. That said, he was the best president in my lifetime and, sadly, there is no close second place. He inherited an absolute mess from Jimmy Carter and turned the ship around quite well, engineering an amazing economic boom as well as engineering the successful end to the cold war. Yes he made some decisions that conservative cringe about today. Guess what, he negotiated with and worked with democrats on a regular basis. Hell of a concept, no?
Charity in 2012 America is a false kindness that is more about the economic well being of the so called benefactors rather than the unfortunate recipients. You are no philanthropist when it's public money you are tossing around.
When thinking of past R POTUS, I find myself gaining more respect for George Bush Sr.

Much of our budget surplus was due to his two pronged approach. He raised taxes and passed the PayGo policy (expired under Bush Jr) which limited a Congress itching to grow during the 90's boom period.

He committed political suicide by raising taxes, but he did do what he thought was best for the country at his own expense. Also, his war was justified, fought, won, and over very quickly.
George Bush Sr. was also demonstrated his fiscal conservativeness during the S&L Scandal. He didn't bail anyone out. He purposefully let them fail and other, healthier institutions come in and take the parts they wanted. The pain was sharp but the recovery was drastic. It ended up being a blip on the radar
The argument of private company efficiency vs government isn't even relevant. Biggie, you found some ****** charities that would rather drive Maseratis than help the needy. Great, but so what?
When the government takes your money to give to the "poor", tax payers don't have a choice in the matter. With private firm charities IF you choose to give to the poor you can choose whomever you think does a good job. If you later read an article on hornfans and realize the charity you support isn't helping anyone you can move your funds to someone more deserving.
Follow Jesus or not, but that was your choice. So sayeth the Lord.

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