As it's currently constructed, Israel has only existed for 70 years. That's hardly long enough to establish a pattern.
there's not going to be a pattern. The only variance from 1947 I can see is that if another evildoer scatters the Jews all over the planet again, leaving them without a nation again ... and at another point in the future does again become a nation whereby THAT generation is the referenced.
This is only going to happen once. So, no pattern.
This is true, which is why I don't think there's anything we can do to rig it.
yessir ... I was "amening" you.
What we call "Jews" aren't unique or special. They're fallen human beings like anybody else.
They are unique because they share the same lineage with Jesus Christ ... these people are the ones referenced in Revelation to whom the Two Witnesses share Christ's Gospel message and bring 144K (IDK if that's a precise number or representative of the twelve tribes) ... these are those who surrender to Christ during the (Great) Tribulation.
They've suspended their practices in the Temple ... because they do not have "The Temple" ... that will change ... and soon, I think. The sacrifices will resume (says so in Revelations) and the Anti Christ will be the one who "brokers" the 7 year peace deal which allows for the resumption of the sacrifices .... 3 1/2 years into it ... he reneges ... enters the Temple, the Holy of Holies ... just as it was constructed while the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness after the exodus ... he'll declare himself God and cease the sacrifices.
He'll then exit the Temple and murder the Two Witnesses in the street of Jerusalem ... where they'll lay for 3 days and others will walk passed.
It's pretty incredible ... meanwhile ... the economic system is consolidated (perhaps from nations in default???) and the "mark of the beast" is required to commerce.
I don't know the day nor the hour ... but I can recognize the season. He said we'd be able to know when he was knocking at the door. I don't believe we're there yet (no 7 year deal with Israel) ... but ... to continue to metaphor, I think Jesus is getting out of His car in the driveway, and beginning the walk to the front door on which to knock.
I think the reason Daniel prayed for 21 days without answer, due to Lucifer literally tangling with Gabriel as he was sent to reveal to Daniel (specifically chapters 9-11) ... and tapped-out by Michael ... was that Daniel 9-11 was the part of End Times God wants us to know ... to BE ALERT.
I'm still learning ... but I am persuaded the "two legs of Daniels statue" are the armies of the North and West ... converging on (As)syria.
It's fascinating. My personal challenge is to keep from getting giddy and "seeing what I want to see" ... slamming together current events upon prophesy I believe to have been fulfilled and prophesy I really want fulfilled so we can "start the last clock" on the "Days of Daniel"
Thanks Deez.