The Incredibles

Uh, Cars was made for selling lots of **** made in china to make Disney lots and lots of dinero cash money. And it has done that. Pixar has to do one of them every now and again to keep Disney brass happy. and Pixar did get to show off some of their new realistic as hell rendering technology in that movie. In every Pixar movie half the fun is marveling at the new **** that Pixar is doing with the CGA.

As far as getting back to basics Lassiter has killed the crappy direct to DVD sequels, not all sequels, if they got a good story they can go forward. So maybe we get an Incredibles sequel in the future.

another thing that Disney appears to be doing "back to basics" is putting new cartoons before some of their movies, went to see the utterly stupid but entertaining National Treasure, whoopty freaking do book last weekend and they had a old fashioned animation (at least it looked like an old fashioned hand drawn Disney cartoon and not japanamation or GCA) Goofy cartoon before the main feature. Good move, and it looks like they set that NT franchise up for a second sequel with some of the crap that went on near the end about page 47. It was a good cartoon too, aimed at the adults in the audience, like all good cartoons should be, it even had l33tsp33k in it.

They also had a trailer for the new Pixar movie, looks good but I don't have the faintest Idea what the hell it's really about from the trailer, can't wait so see it.
as the father of 5 kiddos under 10, i feel like an authority on this subject! To me, the Incredibles was my least favorite Pixar film. It was way too negative with the spousal arguments and general unhappiness all around. it was a downer for the most part.

Toy Story and Toy Story 2 blow everything away. Monster's Inc is another one of my favorites.
I love the Incredibles, but I have no desire to see a sequel.

Not that I dislike sequels in general, but that movie just doesn't need it. There's always a risk in a sequel of debasing the original. Think Matrix.

Iron Giant is also brilliant. I can't watch the ending without tearing up.

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