'The good ol' days' of Longhorn Netdom

I remember the very first days of Hookem.com chat..... even before the BBS took shape. BrianB the infamous Chat Czar... and a bunch of misfits that all used our real names instead of aliases ..... What was that? '95 maybe? Ron Lubke ran the show over there back then.... it has never been the same.

Here is a weird memory...... does anyone remember the OU students that came into the old chat and started threatening people? After getting the police in Austin and Norman involved, the two punks were arrested in an OU computer lab..... all while we were chatting. It was like a virtual episode of COPS. As I recall, one of the policemen typed in "busted" on one of the culprit's PCs during the intervention.

BTW: I thought TSD = "The Screaming Demon" ..... I don't miss Jake. Not one bit.

Thanks God for HornFans. This is a great site

Tag Team! What an effing wuss-hog he was, he and his brother Bocephus.

I remember someone posting a link to his website so we could all get a good look at that grease-tailed gutpile.

I even bookmarked the site for several years so that I could indulge in a cheap laugh whenever I needed one.

Is he posting on any Ag boards these days?
Yep those early 360 days were fun.

Of course the endless Aggie ******** as Mackovic headed down the drain made me point out to the Aggies the reality of their situation relative to the Horns for a couple of years.

Thankfully even the stupidest of the Aggies realizes that the worm has turned and that the best the Ags can hope for is to stay ahead of Tech and occasionally play the role of spoiler in the Big 12.

I can even remember when LHB, Katy, Robert and LHB's girlfriend referred to themselves as sort of a "Bob, Carol, Ted and Alice."

How time flies.....

of course somethings remain the same like my signature!