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This chud was Obama's personal choice on National Security

It's funny to watch them try and pretzel their positions. From "Trump is going to drive North and South Korea to war, and get us all nuked" to "Trump had no influence on ending the Korean War"
Cognitive dissonance should not be a life slogan

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This chud was Obama's personal choice on National Security

It's funny to watch them try and pretzel their positions. From "Trump is going to drive North and South Korea to war, and get us all nuked" to "Trump had no influence on ending the Korean War"
Cognitive dissonance should not be a life slogan

The taunts are the reason for Kim's movement to peace? I'd argue they were anti-productive but Trump's relationship with Xi was the likely reason for success. Trump deserves credit fo that. Still waiting to see what Kim's ask will be to negotiate "denuclearization".
Kanye in a TMZ interview. This is "woke", I guess.

“When you hear about slavery for 400 years. For 400 years?! That sounds like a choice. Like, you were there for 400 years and it’s all of you all? Like, we’re mentally in prison. Like, slavery goes too direct to the idea of blacks,” he said. “So prison is something that unites us as one race, blacks and whites being one race. We’re the human race.”

WTF? This dude is a musical genius but out to lunch on anything other than music. He talks to hear himself talk or garner notoriety.

This was a good response by another person in the room.
Lathan fires back: “I actually don’t think you’re thinking anything. I think what you’re doing right now is actually the absence of thought."
Kanye in a TMZ interview. This is "woke", I guess.

WTF? This dude is a musical genius but out to lunch on anything other than music. He talks to hear himself talk or garner notoriety.

This was a good response by another person in the room.

It makes me wonder if he's just a trying to start controversy. The whole idea of him going his own way on politics is fine. But to suggest that slavery was a choice is absurd. A choice for whom? The actual slaves? Not likely.

A musical genius? Yep, right to there with Mozart, Beethoven, and the guys who did "The Humpty Dance."
I think that those black people today, who make the historical fact of slavery central to their lives and identities, are most definitely making a choice, and are most definitely imprisoned by that choice.

It's not 100% clear to me that this is what Kanye is driving at, but to the extent he is telling people to "let it go" and get on with the life you have, I am 100% on board with him.
I think that those black people today, who make the historical fact of slavery central to their lives and identities, are most definitely making a choice, and are most definitely imprisoned by that choice.

It's not 100% clear to me that this is what Kanye is driving at, but to the extent he is telling people to "let it go" and get on with the life you have, I am 100% on board with him.

Of course, his remarks were borderline incoherent, so it's hard to figure out exactly what he said. However, if he was trying to make the point that blacks shouldn't consider themselves limited or tied down because of slavery (which is a perfectly fair point to make), he could have done so without saying that slavery for 400 years was a choice. That one dumb comment overshadows whatever greater point he was trying to make.
As a historical reminder, DAPA was rejected by federal courts 4 separate times. DAPA stands for "Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program.'' Like DACA, DAPA was an executive action by Obama (dated Nov 2014)

26 states joined in an action to shut it down and it was enjoined by District Court Judge Andrew Hanen (Brownsville) Feb 2015.
DOJ appealed the injunction to the 5th Circuit (on merits), and lost (2-1).
DOJ then appealed to the 5th Circuit again on standing and lost again
DOJ then filed an appeal with the SCOTUS. The Supremes heard arguments Apr 18th, 2016, published their order Jun 24 affirming the injunction by a per curium decision (split court 4-4)
That is four times.

One more interesting part is that, since the original District Court ruling was on the injunction only, it did not address the question of constitutionality. But, in order to establish the scope of the state and federal argument, the Supreme Court did expand their hearing beyond the injunction to listen to the merit of the Obama admin’s arguments.

Here is what Greg Abbott said at the time --
“The action taken by the President was an unauthorized abuse of presidential power that trampled the Constitution, and the Supreme Court rightly denied the President the ability to grant amnesty contrary to immigration laws. As the President himself said, he is not a king who can unilaterally change and write immigration laws. Today’s ruling is also a victory for all law-abiding Americans—including the millions of immigrants who came to America following the rule of law.”


I have previously written about how the Courts rejected DAPA (see above). And how DACA was built on even shakier legal ground than DAPA. At one point, the states had a lawsuit pending which, IMO, would have undone DACA completely, in a similar fashion. However, the states dropped that action in a nod to political concerns (they were asked to do so for the time being by the Rs and White House). Basically Trump was willing to yield on DACA, even though it was an unconstitutional use of power by Obama, if Trump could get concessions on a bigger immigration deal.

In hindsight, this was a bad move. The states should have just let the original lawsuit matriculate through the federal system. It would have saved much drama and cut off Hawaii and San Fran district court judges at the knees.

Anyway, 7 states (including Texas) have now renewed the legal challenge to DACA.
Of course, his remarks were borderline incoherent, so it's hard to figure out exactly what he said. However, if he was trying to make the point that blacks shouldn't consider themselves limited or tied down because of slavery (which is a perfectly fair point to make), he could have done so without saying that slavery for 400 years was a choice. That one dumb comment overshadows whatever greater point he was trying to make.
That's what I mean. Where did 400 years come from? Slaving has been around much longer than that, but colonial slave trading didn't have a 400 year lifespan. That's a gratuitous comment that obscured whatever point he was trying to make. I'd say it's pretty clear Kanye hasn't been trained in elucidating and framing an argument, as lawyers and debaters have.
I am going to park this here and just sit back...:popcorn:

A champion of Peace

I think it's far too early to seriously consider this. However, the Nobel people set the bar so incredibly low with Obama that they have no room to argue against it. Obama got the award in 2009 and had no foreign policy accomplishments to his credit. He basically got the prize for not being George W. Bush. (I think the Cairo Speech was the big factor, but come on, he read something off a teleprompter. He didn't do anything.)

Well if that's the standard now, then of course Trump should get it. In fact, he should have gotteng it months ago. Hell, what President shouldn't get it?
It was a premature award in 2009 just as it would be for Trump now. If he can achieve denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula Trump warrants consideration along with Xi.

With that said, nominations don't occur until September so this claim of a nomination is a political stunt, nothing more, at this point.
Lowest monthly avg for jobless claims since Nixon

" ..... After hitting the lowest level since 1969 the week before, new claims for unemployment benefits rose just 2,000 to 211,000 in the last week of the month, the Department of Labor reported Thursday morning. That number was well below the 224,000 that forecasters had expected.

The past two weeks' very low readings drove the monthly average for claims down to 221,500. That's the lowest since early 1973.

Then, during Richard Nixon's presidency, the labor force was about half the size it is today.

Low new claims mean that few people are getting laid off, and consequently that net job creation is high....."
UE Rate below 4% for the first time since 2000
Third-lowest unemployment in the last 48 years
And we're very close to #1 and #2
More on the April jobs report: Average earnings rose by 4 cents an hour and are up 2.6 percent over the past year.

Weekly Prediction Contest

Sat, Sep 7 • 11:00 AM on FOX
