The Death of the Live Music Capital

Man, that was really depressing. I have noticed that Sixth Street is less crowded this year than in the past, though. Hopefully the economy will turn around and that stupid noise ordinance will disappear.
DMN ran the story today.

"Meanwhile, the city is weathering a maelstrom of internal conflicts. The noise ordinance has pitted musicians against residents, and a looming budget deficit has caused officials to consider cutting off funding of the city's unique 24-hour local music television network."
Sixth Street isn't about music at all.

Most of Austin's local music does, and has sucked the big one for years. We've had a handfull of decent and one great musician to come out of here in the past thirty years. Big ******* deal.

Will Wynn decided to not support the smoking ban saying that in the problemed economic times it would not make sense to put more strain on club and restaurant owners. Well, looks like I will continue to not go out much. Sorry, none of my money going to those places. So this means they will do away w/ the noise ordinance and tell all the fucknuts that moved downtown and now want it changed to get the hell out of Austin, right? Kind of interesting how they enforce the noise ordinance except for SXSW and the festival on Auditorium shores...the two times when the city itself makes a shitload of money. Kind of like in Animal Farm where all the animals are equal, except pigs are a little better.

So no smoking but at least they will not need as many ear plugs...geez.
Some animals are more equal than others, Loopy.

I ahte the idea of a smoking ban, BTW, just as much as I hate coming home smelling like smoke. Too much legislation. Too much work for cops who already are over burdened.